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  1. #41
    < Banned User > John Crowley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    He is absolutly right !!!

    Mr Parker and I were joking guys, there is an ongoing joke about certain razors the Chronik is one of them, my very own "Mack the Knife" is another...
    In German Chronik is Chronicle!

    Last edited by John Crowley; 05-21-2009 at 12:54 AM.

  2. #42
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    I think the only answer is you have to try everything yourself and make up your own mind. Seriously. that's my excuse anyway.

  3. #43
    Senior Member AirColorado's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loueedacat View Post
    I think the only answer is you have to try everything yourself and make up your own mind. Seriously. that's my excuse anyway.
    That's worked as justification to my wife so far! Well, OK, that and the making sure I'm home to meet the mail delivery guy when I know 10 blades are due in...

  4. #44
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I have thought about this on occasion and have a tentative hypothesis that might explain at least some of the apparent "flavour of the month" razors that tend to remain "flavour of the month" for years and years.

    Uncertainty and lack of information. New guys do not know what they are looking for in a razor and they are generally less willing to take a risk with their money on an unknown or lesser-known razor, so they latch on to the ones that are mentioned the most as being generally good razors, and competition does the rest.

    It is only an hypothesis, but I reckon there is at least some truth in it.

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  5. #45
    Senior Member AirColorado's Avatar
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    I believe you are correct Jimbo. For a short time I only bought well known razors precisely for that reason.

    This thread has gone in many directions but if I recall the original question correctly, I think it was essentially if there are any razors that have survived the fad faze over time and remain a solidly rated and preferred buy. Basically, what straight razor has been around for a long time, was a great shave 80 years ago, and remains a great shave to this day.

    To me that varies - I believe it to be a personal preference. I find wonderful shavers every week that I never knew existed. Some that I like today may not be so favored once I try another one for the first time. But as far as one that seems to be preferred by many and that has been favored for decades, I would maintain that with 2 or 3 general exceptions that answer will be different for most. And those general exceptions are what the originator of this thread is searching for - I believe.

    If one applies that same question to autos, some will say Benz or Lexus or BMW but others will vigorously disagree and support VW or Bently or Zil - just depends upon your location, taste, and wallet.

    Good question and discussion though!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    I have thought about this on occasion and have a tentative hypothesis that might explain at least some of the apparent "flavour of the month" razors that tend to remain "flavour of the month" for years and years.

    Uncertainty and lack of information. New guys do not know what they are looking for in a razor and they are generally less willing to take a risk with their money on an unknown or lesser-known razor, so they latch on to the ones that are mentioned the most as being generally good razors, and competition does the rest.

    It is only an hypothesis, but I reckon there is at least some truth in it.


  6. #46
    Unofficial SRP Village Idiot
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    I love the discussion and the historical link about old manufacturers is amazing. That being said. I have a W&B that is small and wont sell for $35. At the same time I have sold 6/8 Square points for $65. For me, pricing is based on what I paid for it and what I see others asking. I must say I love W&B's and I believe their quality to be the greatest of all the razors I have tried. It seems though that the absurd razors are the 1" and greater W&B's for Barbers use. THey may not be rare, but I have yet to find one outside of here or ebay, and none for restoration that I was able to get for a decent price. A 7/8 Celebrated I just sold cost me 66.55 off ebay. I sold it for $85 with free shipping. Another brand that fascinates me is the Double Ducks and I recently acquired one that I was sad to measure at 4/8. Now that does not mean I am not going to try it, but it is small for my preference. As much as I hate to say it, the best shave I ever got was from a Joseph Elliot Silver Steel 13/16 wedge. I sold it because although the shave was smooth, the hollow grinds are much more comfortable to me and I love the "sing". The razors I use every day are no names or Sheffields and are not restored and look terrible, but they shave great.
    All the opinions here are more valid than mine as I have only been shaving with straights for almost a year. But, the truth holds for the so called Flavor of the MOnths. You get what you pay for and for the quality of the person handling it. The most expensive Livi, Dovo, Puma, or TI will give a terrible shave if its not properly honed. For me, the favorite is the Wade and Butcher Rules. But, these other brands that are popular are popular for good reason so don't be afraid to buy one form a good seller who knows how to properly handle straights.

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