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Thread: Holy Moly!

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Holy Moly!

    So last night I was bound and determined to get a real edge on the AOS TI that I bought as my first straight a month ago. I yanked my hair out with it one time and it has not been on my face since. I got one with a fairly bad factory edge as in uneven on the spine. I must have done 1000 circles on the 1k trying to straighten it out. It still is not perfect but much closer.

    Last night I experimented with speed and pressure/torque on the hone and finally found the deep spot. After a couple hours of playing it very suddenly became sharp. It needs just a touch of refining next time to even the spine/bevel a bit more but it passed the HHT for the very first time. I have never been able to even scratch a hanging hair with it in the past and now it was passing it before the CrO strop.

    Shaved with it this morning and it went from the worst $100 I ever spent to the best. The weight of the blade needed little encouragement to go the direction I intended with no wandering on my face.

    The steel is incredibly hard on this thing and cuts extremely slow on the super stones but WOW what an edge now that it is there!

    I have to thank everyone for the tips they gave. I had been using an old Lyon Brand spike point blade for the last couple months but it may have lost it's spot as my favorite.

  2. #2
    Senior Member AirColorado's Avatar
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    I picked up a TI from TAOS and was almost ready to throw it away until I put it to a hone. Once it was there I saw that the edge curled a bit. The spine was OK but with a curl to the edge I couldn't figure out how to keep it sharp. So I called the nearest TAOS store and they replaced it for the cost of me sending it to them. The replacement I got is now straight and even and easily brought back to keen with a few swipes on the strop.

    Even though you got that one right, I'd say give TAOS a call and they'll send you a new one. Also, they may try to send you to their corporate office - but resist. The corporate office will refer you right back to the store. Just let the manager at the store know the problem and that you want it replaced.

    Here's a link to their locations.
    Locations - The Art of Shaving

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Ya they don't have a store here just resellers. They sent me to the corp office and they said 6-8 weeks to get the new one to me. My blade was perfect but the person grinding the factory edge didn't get it very even. I had put too much time into it at that point to possibly have to start over. I have little complaints about their stuff though a few things are well over market value, creams/soaps, and the straights do not seem to be those things.

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