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  1. #11
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I have not tried all of the dovo models, but I find some to be significantly better than others and it does not correlate with price. Of course, I have tried at most two of the same model, so there's lack of statistical average, may be those were flukes.
    I would suggest you call the vendor and see what they think.

  2. #12
    < Banned User > John Crowley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirt4dinner View Post
    Thank you for the reply.

    When I jump into something, hobby or otherwise, I just in head first. I will not buy a "cheap" razor. However, with that being said, I also don't want to pay an extra $100 for a "prettier" one. I want a good, basic razor, if I love shaving this way...I will start getting nicer ones.

    Thanks again, I will go with the lower priced kit to start with.
    I hate to pee on my own parade but if properly honed an eBay special should give you just as good a shave as a $200 razor. Some people have the money to buy a more asthetically pleasing and collectable razor. It is like knife collecting.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Crowley View Post
    I hate to pee on my own parade but if properly honed an eBay special should give you just as good a shave as a $200 razor. Some people have the money to buy a more asthetically pleasing and collectable razor. It is like knife collecting.

    But...but...but not as good as a $150 razor, right? RIGHT????

  4. #14
    < Banned User > John Crowley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    Please please please read this before you go jumping on ebay though..
    Brands of Straight Razors to avoid - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    I would look at buying a shave ready razor from the classifieds. Just about anything you get on ebay will need to be sent out to be honed.

    Straight Razors - Straight Razor Place Classifieds

    You could even try posting a WTB to see if someone can put together an entire starter kit for you.
    Any razor that has not been overhoned from years of use or in some way damaged and is from Sheffield, Eskilstuna, Solingen or is any of the brands from the United States should be capable of giving you a gret shave if honed properly. By that I mean honed properly and then fine tuned for your particular face.

    Which reminds me. I went to the doctor the other day and he told me I had a sinus infection. I told him I wanted a second opinion so he said, "OK! You're ugly too!"
    Last edited by John Crowley; 05-27-2009 at 01:41 AM.

  5. #15
    "I am all that is man..." - Dirt4dinner's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone. I ended up making a purchase from two different online shops to get everything I wanted at prices that I felt were fair.

    Here is what I got:
    Professionally Sharpened Dovo Imitation Tortoise Shell 5/8"
    Black Super Shave Mug
    The World of Straight Razor Shaving DVD
    Shave Brush Black Handle w/ Pure Boar Bristle Filling
    Illinois Razor Strop 2.5" x 23" Topgrade Cow Hide w/ Handle
    Styptic Pencil 1-1/2"
    Lime Fragrance Shave Soap
    Bay Rum Facial Splash and After Shave

    We will see where we are when the dust settles. Total investment was right at $200 for those considering getting everything at one time like I did. The only thing I didn't buy was a set of hones...which I figure I would rather let someone else do it for $20 a couple times a year.

    I will probably watch the classifieds for a different razor, maybe a different size or something, so I can have a couple to experiment to see what I like/dislike about different styles.

    How does the list look?
    Last edited by Dirt4dinner; 05-27-2009 at 04:18 AM.

  6. #16
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    I will also say that the $175 1/4 grind Legrelot was worth every penny, as were the NOS Worldmaster ($155), and Weltmiester Rostfrei (also $155) that I got from Shavingshop.

    So, you can get a $12 razor in need of refurbishing on Ebay that will shave you well, or you can get a new razor for ~$150 that will shave you well, or you can get a $500 custom razor that--yup, you guessed it--will shave you well!

  7. #17
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    I get great shaves from a $12.00 eBay razor. But I get really great shaves from my $300.00 Livi. I had to ask myself if it was worth the difference. I definitely say yes. Am I likely to buy another $300.00 plus razor? Maybe, well at least until I discuss it with my wife.

  8. #18
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    I have razors that I got on Ebay for $12 (and that doesn't even include the ubiquitous DA!) that shave every bit as well as new razors that I paid $200 for

    Concur. If it floats your boat, then it is worth it to you. Some people are hung up the name or manufacturer (Dovo, Livi, TI, etc...) and are willing to spend the money for them. Others, like myself, are more concerned with the razor's ability to provide the shave I desire than the name on it.

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