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  1. #1
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    Default The razor in the SRP logo

    Hello gents,

    I just became a member here.

    I am currently shaving with a safety razor but am not quite satisfied with the results; I still haven't been able to eliminate the red spot of irritation that appears on my neck even during the first pass of the shave.

    Now don't get me wrong; I enjoy my shaves far more than I used to but I can't seem to reach that place that everybody is talking about. The place were the irritation free necks gather and share their life experiences.

    Now this probably points to me doing something wrong during my routine but I only see it as an excuse to start eyeballin' the straight razors as they reportedly provide a closer shave with less irritation.

    I should mention that I've bought Lynn's DVD but I haven't gotten around to watching it yet. I was thinking of starting with a DOVO Shavette and then eventually graduating to a real straight razor.

    Now on to my real intention with this post. I felt I had to ask about the razor in the new SRP logo (I haven't visited the site for a while). Does such a razor exist and were can i buy it? If it does not exist, are there any plans on having it made as an SRP Limited Edition Razor of some sort? In my opinion, that is the most beautiful straight razor design I've ever seen.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome to SRP! First I sugest that if you have bought Lynns CD go ahead and watch it. Second, if you are going to learn to use a straight why mess with a shavette and have to spend money/learn twice.
    Third,The razor in the logo is very similar to a Wade & Butcher I have and use regularly.
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  3. #3
    Stubble Slayer
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    First of all, no that razor does not exist, but yeah it would be awesome if it did!

    Second of all, no matter which razor type you use, you need to take a day or two off from shaving to let the irritation heal, or it won't go away.

    I'm assuming it's recurring irritation, though, and in that case, I feel your pain. I assume by safety razor you meant a DE razor. I too had irritation with my DE. It was better than the mach 3 / fusion for me, but still had some irritation. Looking back, I think I could have improved my technique with it to eliminate getting irritation, but I'm glad I switched to the straight instead.

    So, will a straight razor give you a closer, irritation free shave. Yes and no. Yes, eventually it will give you the best shaves you've ever had in your life. Closest and most irritation free. However, it takes a long time to get to that point. Your straight razor shaves for the first month or two won't be that close at all. Passable, but definitely not as close as you're used to. Irritation will depend on your technique. I was lucky and immediately saw less irritation than I had with the DE, but I don't think everyone gets that lucky. I did start to get a little irritation as I strived to get a closer shave and worked out the kinks in my technique. I've now been straight shaving for around 4 months, and I'm finally at the point where I'm confident that I'll get a super close shave with no irritation.

    Straight shaving isn't for everyone, but the fact that you're interested in it at all tells me that it's for you. It's a great journey and experience and I'm sure you'll love it! Check out the classifieds section of this site, and look for a razor that you can afford and that strikes your fancy, and make sure it is labeled as "shave ready." Then, you'll just need a strop which you can get from the many vendors. If you don't have a shaving brush and quality shaving soaps, they should be on the very top of your list as well. Make sure you check out the wiki (link at the top of the web page) too! LOTS of great info there covering all the questions you'll have.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by pjrage; 06-11-2009 at 12:05 PM.

  4. #4
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    Any particular Wade & Butcher model?

    Thanks for all the great advice. Do you think that it is possible to make that razor as a Limited Edition if we ask the founders of SRP nicely?

  5. #5
    Stubble Slayer
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    Quote Originally Posted by kayjay View Post
    Any particular Wade & Butcher model?

    Thanks for all the great advice. Do you think that it is possible to make that razor as a Limited Edition if we ask the founders of SRP nicely?
    W&B no longer manufacture razors, so it's not like you can just go buy a particular model. You need to buy them used at this point. I'm not sure that they had "models" per se, but they did make similar looking blades. You're basically looking for a 6/8" or so humpback smiling blade with a barber's notch. And a nice tail there too for that matter. W&B wasn't the only manufacturer to make blades like that, there were others too. Look around on ebay for some of the vintage blades from Sheffield, England.

    It would be cool if we started up a group buy for a custom razor like it, but the problem is that there are a very limited number of people who make custom razors. Depending on the number of razors ordered, it would take a long time to fill orders, and the razors would be very expensive. I'd love to see that razor produced myself, even though I could never afford it

  6. #6
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kayjay View Post
    Do you think that it is possible to make that razor as a Limited Edition if we ask the founders of SRP nicely?
    Yeah I think it's possible
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  7. #7
    Senior Member BHChieftain's Avatar
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    Here's a source of some razors with a "spanish point" that you might like (by Wacker).

    Heribert Wacker Straight Razors : Shaving Shop - luxury classic wet shaving products - straight razors


  8. #8
    Senior Member Razorburne's Avatar
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    As far as I know they did already in fact make that very razor in a limited edition. In fact, in Lynn's DVD he explains that the one he is holding is the #1 of only a couple hundred that were manufactured a few years ago. In that case the only way you will get that exact razor is if they get another batch made, or if someone who originally purchased one is willing to part with it (good luck with that one!).

  9. #9
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    Those Wacker razors are gorgeous. I do really like the "smiling" blade of the logotype razor though. But I suspect that a straight blade makes it easier to shave with.

    Does anyone have any pictures of this limited edition razor that Razorburne is speaking of?

    As I understand there are only 3 manufacturers that are still making razors (DOVO, Thiers-Issard and Böker).

  10. #10
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorburne View Post
    In fact, in Lynn's DVD he explains that the one he is holding is the #1 of only a couple hundred that were manufactured a few years ago. In that case the only way you will get that exact razor is if they get another batch made, or if someone who originally purchased one is willing to part with it (good luck with that one!).
    Not quite the same razor as the one in the new logo....

    Here is the razor you are referring to:

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