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  1. #1
    Junior Member scottaschultz's Avatar
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    Default Corrosion on a Puma

    Greetings! This is my first post. I just found this forum from a link on a handgun forum. (Please don't hate me because of my hobbies!)

    Anyway, I have a Puma razor that has some corrosion. It is kind of hard to see from this picture, but you can sort of see it around the word "Special" on the blade. Its not an antique or a family heirloom. I know it has not always been stored under the most ideal conditions, but I would like to restore it to its original condition, if possible. Am I being obsessive or is having a razor like this in pristine condition just a fantasy?

    I did some searching, but haven't had much luck in locating an answer.

    Here is a larger picture of my avatar taken with my cheapie digital cam. I can take better pictures if my wife ever decides to bring my Nikon back home from work!


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. Here is a link to the restoring razors section of the SRP Wiki. IF it was mine I would try some mild polish such as Semichrome or Flitz on a paper towel. Nice razor you have there, from one handgun lover to another.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member scottaschultz's Avatar
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    Thanks for the suggestion! All my guns are blue so I don't have any Flitz in the house, but I do have some Mother's Mag Polish I use on my car wheels. Can't hurt?


  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    First off welcome to SRP and trust me there are tons of shooters here.....

    The etching on the blade will come off there so be careful what you use,,,,

    Anything that has abrasive can take those washes right off the blade, so no Simichrome, Flitz, Mother's, etc: etc:

    MAAS is even questionable...

    Now if the etch is unimportant then scrub away....
    There is always a give and take when it comes to restoration, to take away rust/corrosion/age you must give up steel....

  5. #5
    Junior Member scottaschultz's Avatar
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    There is a little corrosion on the back side, so I will see what kind of luck I have with some of those cleaners before I tackle the front side.

    And also like my guns, I buy them all to use and I will let my heirs worry about their value after they throw dirt on my face! But just out of curiosty, I know that a "pristine" razor will have the highest value, but what will effect the value more; having some corrosion on the blade with the etching intact or a pristine blade with no etching?

    As long as it shaves well, that's really all I am concerned about.


  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Two different collectors are out there when it comes to razors...

    Us who use them to shave so the steel is the only thing that matters

    and those "other guys" who collect them for the handles (scales) and could careless about the steel....

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    With all due respect to Gssixgun, we've disagreed on this topic once before. Glen has forgot more than I know about restoration of straight razors. OTOH, I apparently know more about Semichrome. Here is my mint, never seen a hone or a whisker Puma Friseur Freund #1. The first photo is as it was, the second with a gob of Semichrome and the third photo after vigorously wiping with a paper towel.

    If it is gold wash or bluing the polish will take it off. I'd not use it on plated surfaces either although I'm not sure about that. It will never take an acid etching off unless maybe with a Dremel. Even then it would be the wheel rather than the media. A tumbler might take off an etching or lighten it up but not Semichrome or Flitz. At least not in the forty years I've been wiping the stuff on and off of pocket knives and razors. It not only polishes but leaves a rust resistant coating on the metal.
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  8. #8
    Junior Member scottaschultz's Avatar
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    I didn't mean to start a fight!!

    I really don't know what kind of etching it has or even how to tell. But seriously, should I even worry about the value of this razor? Of course the $64,000 question is it worth anything, even with a less-than-pristine blade?


  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    No fight here, just a clarification. Like I said, Glen forgot more than I ever knew about razor restoration. As for the Puma, IMO you have a great shaver there. I don't know what it is worth in $$.
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  10. #10
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    WOW Jimmy those Puma's stuck that stuff on/etched in there brother... Thanks for the clarification..
    Last edited by gssixgun; 07-18-2009 at 04:10 PM.

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