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  1. #1
    Junior Member AMDG's Avatar
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    Default My wife loves me

    My dearest wife, who normally doesn't support my addictions (guns, camping gear and golf) surprised me this morning with a vintage razor she picked up at an antique store on her lunch break. Her only criterion for choosing this razor was that it's my favorite color.. black. I was touched by her thoughtfulness and even if this turns out to be a razor on the "do not buy" list, I will keep it as a keepsake. She paid 20 bucks for it, but to me it's priceless.

    However, if it's a decent razor, I'd like to send it to one of the experts for honing and ensuring it's "shave readiness". I've included a picture I took from my phone, but it's poor quality.

    The inscription reads:

    GEO Wostenholm & Son
    Sheffield England
    "Conqueror" on the blade

    If any of you guys recognize either the name or design, please let me know if it's worth sending off.

    Peace and blessings,

  2. #2
    Junior Member AMDG's Avatar
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    Oops forgot the picture.

  3. #3
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Wostenholms are fine razors! You are in luck my friend. Post some pictures on the thread if you want some more expert opinions from the skilled craftsmen.

    Welcome aboard!


    EDIT: There you go.. I see you've added a picture, though it doesn't seem to be working....

  4. #4
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Wolstenholm's are some of the best razors ever. If it's in good shape you scored large. Enjoy!


  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    +1 on what already has been said. I was able to see the pic by right clicking and opening in a new tab.

    From what I can see there is just a bit of rust on the spine and towards the top of the blade. If there are no pits or chips in the bevel and no cracks in the blade it is worth sending out to a pro for cleaning and honing. You can always spend more and have it restored but that would not effect the shave and a bunch of my blades show 'patina' and shave great.

    I have a bunch of Wostenholm razors and they all shave great.

    Great wife, great razor!
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  6. #6
    Junior Member AMDG's Avatar
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    Thanks so far for the input. Structurally the blade looks sound and I can't see any chips or cracking whatsoever. The spots look like rust, but fortunately they're not near the edge of the blade.

    With the feedback provided, I'm going to have this sucker sent to clean up and sharpen

  7. #7
    < Banned User > John Crowley's Avatar
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    GEO Wostenholm & Son is a fine old English brand. This one is post 1891 because it says Sheffield, England. It should be a very good razor and hone up nicely! I think the sentiment about your wife is very touching. It sounds like you have a good relationship.

    OT-This reminds me of how much my Dad loved my Mom. We were sitting at the dinner table one evening and my Dad exclaims to me, my brother, and my sister, "I know your mother loves me! She treats me like a God! She gives me burnt offerings three times a day!". My Dad cooked after that and my mother just cleaned up the mess. We were all very happy again!

  8. #8
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    Very nice. Quality stuff. There are no vintage blades that i'm aware of that are rubbish. Knackered maybe, but they are good steel as they had to be or the company would go under.
    I've added the picture here so people don't have to open a new tab. Hope that's ok.
    If you change your mind & do clean it yourself, don't touch the gold, or you'll lose it.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member ENUF2's Avatar
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    Whoostie's are good razors I have 3 and am thinking of parting with 1 of them but the decision is difficult to say the least. Ok, maybe deep down I don't want to. RAD is a terrible thing. Antiquing is something I enjoy with my wife and daughter. I hunt, they gather everyone is happy. Seriously it is time well spent together and you can't beat that. Make sure she "feels" your apperiation she may find more.

  10. #10
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    She did very well. Wostenholms are one of my favorite Sheffield razors and I have several. They are great shavers and hone up to an excellent edge. You'll be happy with it!

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