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  1. #1
    Senior Member brothers's Avatar
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    Default Rust pits - is there any point?

    I'd like your advice on whether there's any point in messing around with these blades. I've got a couple of razors that may be worthless. Rust spots appear randomly on the blade, and along the edge. Light, but rust.

    Sanding and polishing helped with the appearance to the naked eye, but under the loupe/microscope, there is still rust in the pits, even along the edge. On both of these razors I removed the bevel, then recreated it about 1/16 higher up on the blade, looking for an area of steel without so many pits, was able to re-establish an almost pit-free shavable edge, but the reality of the situation is that the rusty pits are simply there, lurking close to the edge in some cases, looking very much like rusty swiss cheese under the 'scope.

    Is it time to offer them up on ebay with full disclosure (of course) that they are for decoration only, never for shaving? Or should I just throw them away, in the interest of keeping some unscrupulous person from buying them and reselling them as possible shavers to some unsuspecting victim.

    I could even PIF them on the forums for that matter, as practice blades or scale donors or something. Or, am I overlooking a possible repair that might be worth trying? I'm not inclined to spend a whole lot more time, if it's a hopeless cause.

    I'm very interested in hearing your advice. I've got several other razors that are in far better condition, so this is no loss to me, if I should just get rid of them.

    First and second photos are the Henkels Discovery.
    Third and Fourth photos are the Prosperity.
    Fifth photo shows Henkels on top and Prosperity below.
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    Last edited by brothers; 09-04-2009 at 12:11 PM.

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