My experience with stainless steel razors is that they hone about the same as any razor. The grind (wedge, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full hollow) and the width of the bevel (which is correlated to the grind and the honing history of the razor) makes for much bigger differences in honing than the type of steel. Stainless steel is supposed to be more abrasion resistant than many carbon steel alloys, but at the same time it can't be hardened to the same levels as most carbon steel razors. The former might be compensating the latter. Either way, I never had a need for special hones or procedures when honing stainless blades as opposed to regular carbon steel ones.

I oil my stainless steel blades, just like I oil the rest of them. Stainless steel does corrode, albeit far less than non stainless steel. Still, the extremely thin apex of the very edge does not need much micro-corrosion to loose definition. I'm in the habit of oiling my razors after the shave anyway, so I don't really bother with making an exception for the stainless ones.

Best regards,