Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
I remember not that long ago when they were selling those Filarmonica's for half that price.

So do I.

On another note I purchased one of the Hart Steel razors and will be putting to good use. I for one think of this as a rival for things like the Livi New Grinds which are still $310 and Wacker razors which are both above and around the same price point as these. If the scales on the future Hart Steel razors get more exotic I think that they will be around the same as the Livi razors. Also if they start doing more work on polishing the blades then prices will move accordingly.

I wonder how many razor makers TZ trained for Hart Steel? So far only two sets of initials have been visible on the online pics, so I wonder how many of them there are in actuality. I really hope that they are able to make a go of things and that the variety of their blades will increase over the upcoming months and hopfully years.