Quote Originally Posted by khaos View Post
I couldn't help but remembering someone posting somewhere that it feels like shaving with a frameback. I have seen frambacks where the frame is literally a band of copper? brass? that can slide on or off the razor (sometimes it is press fitted on though). Perhaps these "evolved" from flat knives that they were trying to hone at a greater angle than laying the blade flat allowed (like a standard knife) but maybe it was a pain to do by hand and so they invented permanent honing wedges- the frame.

With regards to the value question- thats up to you bud. I personally am gonna steer clear for now. I'm not paying this much for a "semi-custom" that doesn't hold up PERFECTLY. But thats just me. I too would honestly like to hear from others what they think, but I think personally I'm gonna wait for hartsteel 2.0 or 3.0 before I consider it again.
I know you've mentioned that in your opinion, you think the price of the Hart razor is out of line. I did a quick check on Classic's site and there are 5 Dovos and 11 TI razors all at or over the price of the Hart razor. Granted, many of them have significant embellishments but what caught my eye is you saying that you won't be buying a Hart razor at this point because in your estimation the current Hart razor doesn't "hold up PERFECTLY".

Do you believe that all Dovo and all TI razors at or above the price point of the Hart razor hold up perfectly? If not, do you consider the Dovo and TI razors I make referece to unacceptably overpriced as well?

Chris L