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  1. #1
    Member coolmaltbeverage's Avatar
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    Default Need help to identify

    First of all I know absolutely nothing about razors, I bought these 2 supposed antique off Craigslist locally they look old enough and were in a case with the name GGlover on the top (person,manufacturer) i have no idea,I got these for my dad since he collects knives,and would like to know a little about what i've got. the one with R.Burnett on the shank also has the words THE HAMBURG RING on the main part of the blade. The scales on both look the same except the R.Burneet one is cracked at the lower pin,sometimes I think the scales are dark tight grained wood like Ebony,then the next time I look I think they're plastic.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Name:  P9240007.jpg
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    Name:  P9240015.jpg
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    Name:  P9240004.jpg
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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  3. #3
    W&B, Torrey, Filarmonica fanboy FatboySlim's Avatar
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    Cool razor. I think I've only seen one other razor brand made in Scotland, I can't think of the name right now. I like the thumb notch, and the overall grind, stylish but simple.

    The scales look like horn, to me anyway. My guess is it probably dates to the 1870s - early 1890s, since it is horn, has no country-of-origin stamp, and is nicely hollow ground.

    Thanks for sharing the pics. Hone it up (or get it honed up) right and enjoy it.

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