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  1. #1
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    Default Thinking about buying a Palmera


    This would be my first post, and I have to admit I have spent all my free time the last couple of days reading on this awesome site. I bought my first straight razor (a dovo Ivory Micarta) at a knife shop in Jacksonville about 6 years ago. I saw it and fell in love, it was beautiful. From that point on, I have collected straights (mostly for asthetic purposes), not paying attention to brands, but just buying the ones I thought looked really good. I have taken time away from the hobby for the last couple of years though, but I'm starting to look around again .

    I'm actually trying to find a razor that I can begin shaving with. I have found that I prefer the razors with a massive blade (I'm 6'4" - I like holding something I can actually feel), and have seen several Palmera Brand razors that I would like to give a shot (Cant find a Dubl or Dovo with 7/8 or 8/8 blade, or I just don't find one thats pleasing enough to the eye, and the Fillis are simply out of my price range). I have done a site search, but very little comes up regarding this brand of razor. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or review on the Palmera Brand straight razor. Thanks in advance for everyone's time.


  2. #2
    I just want one of each. keenedge's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. They are highly regarded. I think you'll find this thread interesting.

    Having said that, it sounds like you have a few razors you could shave with already. Why not do so? If they aren't shave ready you can find someone to hone them in the classifieds.

    Member Services - Straight Razor Place Classifieds

    Good luck.

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    ndodge (09-30-2009)

  4. #3
    Senior Member persco's Avatar
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    Palmera razors are very fine shavers. I have one and it's pretty much as good as my two Filarmonicas -- a #13 Doble Temple and a #14 Especial. Mine is the one in the straight razor database. Very well made. I'd add also that the scales on the Palmera, while plastic, are better quality than the Filarmonica scales -- renowned for their cheap build quality.

    I think the Palmera razors are undervalued a bit, which is a good thing because you can still get one NOS for around a third the cost of a Filarmonica.


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  6. #4
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    If you decided you want one- I know Leon over at vintagescents sells them.

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    ndodge (09-30-2009)

  8. #5
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    Default Palmera..

    It's one of my favorite razors, I would say buy one.

    It isnt' much different than the Filarmonica's of equal size.

    It's a bit harder to sharpen than others but I find the solution is just more strokes...nothing to be afraid of. If you wanted to get into the giant realm the Palmera 14 is reasonable. I don't know if it's stainless or not but requires much more time on the stones than my wackers.

    If you wanted to try those two razors, the Palmera 14 and the Filly 13 is the cheaper combination to own both of those. Filly 14's? this is me on ebay --->

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    ndodge (09-30-2009)

  10. #6
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    Thanks for everyone's help and opinions. I probably do have enough razors to get started, I (just like everyone else) just keep looking for that "perfect" piece. I've taken a look at the Filla's on ebay, and of course the ones I like are going for $250 ++, and I don't know if I'm willing to shell that our for a razor. I have found a palmera that I like on there for about 1/2 what the barbas duras go for. I'm just afraid that I"ll see something that I really like, pass it up, and then beat myself over the head a year or two from now, when I can't find anything nice at all.

    I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled on the classifieds section.....everything just goes so fast there! I feel like I"m playing jeopardy and just cant hit the button fast enough!

    I'll probably hop onto the classifieds and see if someone wouldn't mind honing a couple of the ones I have. Does anyone have any recommendations, or perhaps know of someoone that has worked their blades before? I'm a bit skeptical of shipping out 2-300 bucks worth of razors to someone I don't know. I'm sure I'll get over it. I want to buy some stones, etc., but they're very expensive, and I don't want to ruin the razors I have now practicing. I'll do like it says in the newb forums and start with a strop and maybe some paste, then work up to the stones as I get more comfortable.

  11. #7
    W&B, Torrey, Filarmonica fanboy FatboySlim's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, Nate!

    You said you're looking for a massive razor that shaves well at a reasonable price. A Palmera would be a good option.

    An alternative that I like as well as my Filarmonica #14 is the Henckels Friodur in 8/8ths size. They're stainless, take a wicked edge, look great, and handle outstandingly for a large razor.

    John Crowley is a forum member who sells great Friodurs on his site, already honed. Unless you choose an exotic custom scale material, they are priced right close to a Palmera, and they come nicely pre-honed. If you're new, I recommend you start with a honed razor.

    If you snag a Palmera at a good price, I'd recommend sending it out for honing to one of the forum honemeisters, so you get it's true potential off the bat.

    Either way is a great razor.

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    ndodge (10-02-2009)

  13. #8
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP,

    That's actually what I'd recommend - get one or few of your blades cleaned up if necessary and honed. If you go to the classifieds under member services you'll see members who offer honing and restoration.
    You can see their work on their websites or in the workshop->gallery section here.
    There are a few guys whose work is simply outstanding.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to gugi For This Useful Post:

    ndodge (10-02-2009)

  15. #9
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Hands down my Fil 14 and Palmera are amongst my best shavers. I will take both to my grave. The Palmera 14 is an awesome blade. I personally do not have any issues honing my Palmera and find it hones as easy as my Fil 14.
    Both take an amazing edge.
    Highly recommended.

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Maximilian For This Useful Post:

    ndodge (10-02-2009)

  17. #10
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Ok... where can one get Palmera these days?

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