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  1. #11
    Hibernator ursus's Avatar
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    And if you mention the make-up testers in stores, you'll probably get a good hidin' . There's cooties everywhere!

  2. #12
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deryan View Post
    LOL ... Sounds like a cure all here...LOL
    I think this is a good idea. I have found from personal experience that a wife needs something to worry about. As a husband you have done something wrong. It's just a matter of how much incessant nagging your wife needs to do before she finds out what you are doing wrong.
    Your wife obviously thinks you are doing something wrong by using a razor that has been used by another person. There is no point in trying to argue the point, especially with your wife. I would suggest diverting her attention by doing something like leaving your dirty underwear on the floor or not putting the toilet seat down. Do this for a few weeks and she will forget all about how you are using a used razor.

  3. #13
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    Two things:

    1) Barbicide. Not to mention you hit all the salient points already when it comes to the survivability of these viruses/infectious molecules. But Barbicide should take care of residual.......paranoia. *ahem* (hey, I have barbicide to take care of mine) Just keep presenting her with the facts. She's just concerned based on misinformation; she obviously loves and just wants the best for you, but just keep giving her facts. Some people just get misinformation, and when they get the truth, they ease up.

    2) I wonder if your wife believes all those surgical and medical instruments used in her gynecologist's/general practitioners office and hospitals are disposed of after one use?? Is there anything more "personal" than some of those instruments?

  4. #14
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    I worked as a hospital pharmacist for 14 years (before sliding into software development.) When working under the laminar flow hood preparing intravenous preparations, everything had to be sterile. We would swab the top of a vial, for example, with isopropyl alcohol 70% and let it sit for a minute. It was sterile!

    Swab the blade with isopropyl alcohol and you'll be OK. Tell her to ask her friendly pharmacist down the street if she doesn't believe Ol Lar!

  5. #15
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    I have discussed this with 3 doctors and this is what I was told. Germs don't live on surfaces very long, but some have a longer life span than others. Most germs are killed with just soap and water or sanitizers of some kind. Aids is a weak virus and dies quickly, like within a day. So the only real threat is hepatitis which can live on surfaces where there has been blood contamination for a longer period of time, like a week or 10 days. They all told me that the best protection was to give things time to die. On old razors that no one has used in years and you are sure that no one has cut themselves with, no problems. 0n razors that have been restored and test shaved with, or sent out for sharpening there is more risk. Ask yourself, would you feel comfortable using a tattoo gun that had been used on someone you did not know and then wiped down with alcohol? I am not trying to alarm anyone as this is not a topic that should cause alarm. It is a topic where good information and common sense will make it a no brainer. The routine that I came up with, with the help of my doctors is that I soak my blades down with chlorhexidine( this is a solution used by physicians to sterilize their cold pack surgical instruments) for 20 min., then wipe them down with Clippersol to make sure they don't rust, and then I give them a rest for a couple of weeks before I add them to my rotation. A lot of you guys will probably consider this overkill & maybe it is but I sleep well at night & have enough razors that I can wait 2 weeks for a little piece of mind. Take this for what it's worth it's just the best information I could come up with. My suggestion to everyone is that you get information from your doctor on your next visit, so you can make an informed decision.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Doc For This Useful Post:

    LarryAndro (10-02-2009), matt321 (10-02-2009)

  7. #16
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    My wife's only concerned with how much I spend on the razors.

  8. #17
    Ravenous Bugblatter Beast radaddict's Avatar
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    Well, since you have all the good advice you need, I'll provide something silly:

    Tell her that you wear a condom whenever you shave.

  9. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2CutThroats View Post
    she obviously loves and just wants the best for you, but just keep giving her facts.
    Now let's not jump to conclusions here! And I just can't in good conscience let the man think that giving his wife facts mights actually resolve anything.

    I would try to focus on acknowledging how she feeeeeeeels about this, and how good and important her concerns are. And then she'll be fine with you keeping doing what you were doing.

  10. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by radaddict View Post
    Well, since you have all the good advice you need, I'll provide something silly:

    Tell her that you wear a condom whenever you shave.

  11. #20
    Senior Member Sharp&Shiny's Avatar
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    I have been using a strong contact disinfectant that claims to kill 99% of germs & virusis on all the old blades that have come into my possesion & I have had no problems. Speaking to my barber he said that the stuff I was using was probably stronger than babercide. Paul

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