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  1. #11
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    I forgot to say that I've been using straights for about 3 weeks top

    Hello, my name is Michael and I haven't bought a straight razor for 96 hours

  2. #12
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I've been using straights since around my join date

    For a long time, kept it to 7, then I upped it to 14 and now I've decided to allow myself 21. I think I have 20 for my personal rotation. That is shave ready keepers.

    At any given moment, I have more than that. A bunch are junkers (but I'm not going to throw them out), and others are blades that I bought to see if I wanted to keep them. Or some I buy from pure RAD. I end up selling off any extras that don't make it into my own rotation. (At the moment I happen to have 10 freshly honed razors sitting out and waiting testing, only one is a keeper for certain.)

  3. #13
    Senior Member Miner123's Avatar
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    I just started getting interested in straight razors about 3 weeks ago. I got one at a yard sale and I wanted to learn about it, that's how I found Straight Razor Place, since then I've gotten 3 more. It's a very enjoyable hobby, but very addicting.

  4. #14
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    I am down to 7 now!!! Just right for a week!!!

  5. #15
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Bought my first in April. I'm up to 3 that I use.

    I have about two dozen in oil waiting to be restored...some people go to antique stores looking for nice razors. I go looking for the *%&^ they leave behind.

  6. #16
    Senior Member 1971Wedge's Avatar
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    I started collecting when I was 21 back in 93 I think. The idea was to share it with nursing home residents as a part of a reminiscene group I did. (I'm a Recreational Therapist)...I got my first one a Clauss Freemont Razor, and I was hooked. I looked everywhere, and grabbed what I could. Back then though, unless you knew a barber that gave shaves and could teach it to you, it was extremely tough to find out how to shave for myself, so my interest 'half' died awayby 2000. Presently I own maybe 20 straight razors, which doesn't include a safety razor collection. Now that I've found this site, I'm kicking myself for not sticking to it back then...even in the 90's though, around here it was hard to find Case Razors...and my favorite then and mostly now is the Genco Easy Aces.

    Update, you all got me to thinking, so I went searching in some boxes..uh-oh..okay so I have close to 40-50 of them...geez!
    Now I need to research display cases because I really need one now...
    Last edited by 1971Wedge; 10-13-2009 at 03:32 PM.

  7. #17
    Senior Member ThePhill's Avatar
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    Got up to 10, sold 3 to a new straight shaver(one of which gave him his first shave) and now back up to 9. Should have 10 again at the end of the month, something a little special......ok maybe big special .

  8. #18
    Senior Member ThePhill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbrouwers View Post
    I am down to 7 now!!! Just right for a week!!!
    And what a nice shaving mixed up seven razor rotation it is you lucky , well I guess the 2 ducks arn't too mixed up, or the 2 Henckels, or the Dovo, or the C-mon, or the Sears.......yup, you suck

  9. #19
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Yeah, yeah I did the 7-14-21 BS too
    That didn't help I was up to 77 shave ready in my collection
    then I dropped to 50

    I am probably back up to around 77 again...

    That does not include the bottom drawer of "I might get to them someday razors" there has to be at least 50 in there....

    Hi my name is Glen and I haven't bought a razor in 3 hours....

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  11. #20
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Yeah, yeah I did the 7-14-21 BS too
    That didn't help I was up to 77 shave ready in my collection
    then I dropped to 50

    I am probably back up to around 77 again...

    That does not include the bottom drawer of "I might get to them someday razors" there has to be at least 50 in there....

    Hi my name is Glen and I haven't bought a razor in 3 hours....
    I feel your pain!
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

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