I just won a small lot on eBay (me? suffering from RAD? never!) and there is a funny one in there...

Name:  stamp back.jpg
Views: 541
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As you can see, the middle one has a Grelot logo

According to the description, it has the "Medaillé d'or Paris 1931" (which could match Grelot) and "super service" etchings on the blade.

The other side of the same tangs

Name:  stamp front.JPG
Views: 514
Size:  39.3 KB

Now if I understood correctly, Grelots were not originally manufactured by Thiers but they acquired the stock from a competitor. I did a bit of searching on Lavaley but came up empty-handed. I did however find that Thiers was already selling Grelot blades with the "Médaillé d'or Paris 1931" under their own line, so now I am confused... what did I buy?