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  1. #11
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I consider it essentially half hollow, but here's a picture of the profile

    It just wasn't what I wanted, that's why I no longer own it, the new owner seemed rather happy upon receiving it, but he saw the photographs of the exact item along with this profile photo before buying it. I saw one more of this model that looked exactly the same, so I suspect that's what the current production is. I should take a photo of an old extra hollow TI I have to serve as comparison.
    I often wish the manufacturers and vendors would provide better descriptions of their products, so that we as customers know what we're buying.

  2. #12
    Member Warbler's Avatar
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    so Thiers-Issard doesn't make new blanks anymore?

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    I have the Spartacus and Glen has the Eagle, they are slanted 6/8-7/8 heel-toe.
    I do not know if your other TI's are of those historical forgings, but they are marvelous shavers.
    The Thiers-Issard that I sent back to The Knife Center was 6/8 from heel-toe and it didn't have a slant in it like some they have sold in the past. I have seen the one blade design you are talking about and the batch that the Knife Center is now selling aren't slanted like those, but who know maybe the person in the shipping dept at T-I had too much wine and got the boxes mix up. Oh well its water over the Dam and now Ive got my eye on a new 15/16 Wacker at the Shave-Shop.
    Last edited by KeystoneKid; 01-13-2010 at 05:07 AM.

  4. #14
    Senior Member matt321's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warbler View Post
    so Thiers-Issard doesn't make new blanks anymore?
    They sell newly forged razors, and they also sell razors made from their stock of old forged blanks.

  5. #15
    Member again CloseShave's Avatar
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    The Festonne may be one of the best production razors made by TI. I bought this one:

    Laguiole - Couteau Laguiole, cadeau personnalise, couteau laguiole de fabrication française

    about two years age from the French vendor Laguiole. As described it is from 100 year old blanks while it is listed as 6/8's it measures almost 7/8's. The balance is perfect and the edge it takes is extremely sharp and comfortable. The wtg first pass is almost a complete shave. I have almost a dozen TI's and LeGrelots which are also great shavers including the 1/4 hollow LG and C135 TIs. The Festonne outshaves them all.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blueprinciple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt321 View Post
    Here is the box label from Rasurpur:

    Attachment 36308
    I've just looked in the up-to-date TI list and that stock code is a bit different to the one now in use - maybe it's been in stock a while? The nearest code I can find is HDOSFESTL-6/8-188-A-NCR which is described as "Historic forged decorated back 6/8-7/8" razor hollowed, 'long' decoration with hooked nose"

    I have in stock the red stamina scaled version and this is coded HDOSFES68188STRNCR and is definitely marked 6/8-7/8. This came in some two weeks back.

    Still a damned good piece though, whatever the code!

  7. #17
    Member again CloseShave's Avatar
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    My French sourced razor is coded as follows: HDOSFETL68188ANCRF-B. The label says HistoriQue 6/8 DOS FESTONNE LONG NEZ CROCHU BISON DORE AMOURETTE. As I mentioned, it measures almost 7/8.

  8. #18
    propriétaire de Rasage Poulin scottlp's Avatar
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    I've always had these described as 6/8" - 7/8" on my site.

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