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  1. #1
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    Default DOVO: Silver Steel & Bismark

    If both razors are 5/8, would there be an appreciably difference in the shave produced by either blade? Would the composition of the steel be noticeable in either the shave or blade maintenance? Will the composition handle be any more or less "slippery" than the ebony wood?

    Also separately, would 5/8 be appreciably different than 6/8? I've read the posts regarding weight/heft and manuveurability. I was wondering if that 1/8 difference in width was truely noticaceable by a less experienced shaver, or is it a finer tuned nuance really only detectable by the experienced?

    Thanks for any input, CH

  2. #2
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    I've got steel from Sheffield and Solingen...both feel exactly the same on the shave. Honing different steels may give you different qualities, but lets jump that bridge when we get there.

    As for the size, yes, 6/8 feels different on my face than does 5/8. The difference for me at least is more ineffible. The larger razor plows through the hair than I believe the smaller blade does and although I know it's all in my head, I end up using too much pressure then using my smaller razors and end up with more irritation than with the larger blades.

  3. #3
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    Thanks. I totally understood your plowing and pressure comments.

  4. #4
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    Hey there, upon re-reading this today, I'm not sure I did understand. Are you saying that (in your opinion) the 6/8 is heavier, thus plows through the hair and gives a better shave for you? And, that the 5/8 is lighter, so you find your self subconsciously applying more pressure (thus causing more irritation with the 5/8)?

    Or is it the opposite?

    Thanks for any clarification - CH

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Smaller razors give more control and feed back, are recommended for newbs. If you feel you need pressure your edge needs honing.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  6. #6
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    +1 to Kees comments. You shouldnt need to put any pressure on the blade, its all done by the sharpness of the edge. A well honed razor will need no pressure to shave.

    A 5/8 or a 6/8 are good for beginners. Personally I prefer 6/8 to 5/8, and I tend to prefer the wider blades.

    I have two 5/8's, a 6/8's and a 15/16 and I find I prefer the 6/8 and the 15/16 to the 5/8's blades. I think its unlikely that I'd use a 4/8 that often, as I imagine that I'd find it a bit too narrow! I'd still be interested to try one though..!

    I wouldnt go for anything narrower or wider than 5/8 or 6/8 at the start. If you get one of those and shave with it, you'll start to get an idea of whether you want to go wider or narrower from there.

    IMHO, the Bismarck is one of the best razors DOVO makes. I absolutely love mine, it took a great edge and shaves like a dream. Plus they look great with that shoulderless design! You really wont go wrong with one of those.

    Good luck!

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