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  1. #1
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Default To Save or to Shave?

    I just noticed this stunning blade on the bay, Kayser Ellison Cut Throat Straight Razor~SHAVE READY* - eBay (item 270536768210 end time Feb-28-10 20:12:39 PST)

    and thought to myself, What a grand thing to own! But then I thought, its so perfect, would it be right for such a thing to be put back in use? or would it be better off in the hands of a collector who will cherish it and keep it safe and pristine for future generations to ohhh and Ahhhh over?

    Whats your thoughts gents (and ladies) When they are this nice, are they savers? or shavers?!?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Walt's Avatar
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    They are tools to be used. If you can afford the price, then buy it. With adequate care you can maintain it in pristine, collectible condition. You certainly won't wear it out with regular use, especially if it is in a rotation and well cared for. Go for it!

    Regards - Walt

  3. #3
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    For me shaving doesn't make them get worse, so I use them.

  4. #4
      Lynn's Avatar
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    If they're not a shaver, they are not a saver......

    Have fun,


  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I don't collect anything that I don't have the pleasure of interacting with by using it. I don't want to be a curator for my little private museum and some other guy will end up enjoying whatever it is after I'm dead and gone.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    If they're not a shaver, they are not a saver......

    Have fun,

    I like that. Makes much sense. I have razors I have not yet shaved with. It's not that I'm saving them for posterity, it's just that I forgot where I put them.

  7. #7
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Jimmy, I completely agree. I was not thinking of getting a nice razor like that so I could look at it, I was thinking such a beauty might belong in the hands of a collector. Is there a Museum of Straight Razors? where the best examples of such a unique art form are exhibited? that would be sweet to visit!

  8. #8
    Senior Member CableDawg's Avatar
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    I bought this one a month ago:

    I brought it to Max's house and he honed it. I remember going over, eagerly talking to Max and taking it out of the box and staring at it. He told me that razor was the best of the three I brought over. I brushed it on the hair of my forearms and with no effort....just a immediately severed the first three hairs.....the only ones it came into contact with.....and I stopped and looked in amazement. I turned to Max with the look of a 5-year-old kid on Christmas whose last present he opened was the one he had been waiting for all his life. Max just smiled and said, "that's the way it's supposed to be!". We had a good laugh.

    The razor still sits in the box. I take it out every couple of days and still marvel at it. It truly is fine craftsmanship. Not a blemish on it.

    Why don't I shave with it? I can already tell you it's the best razor I own. I pluncked down a lot of coin for that far the most I've ever spent on a razor. But I suppose the reservation with me would be like buying a mint copy of Action Comics #1. I would pull it out a couple of times a week to gawk at it, but I would never dare read it and risk doing damage to it if I took it out of its protective sleeve. I can find it online and read it.

    I also bought an Otto Deutsch: Deutsch, Otto "Hans" 6/8 - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    I won it on eBay. It needs to be re-peened, have a spacer put in and then a good honing. It's a museum piece.

    Why did I buy these two specifically? I liked the looks of them. Do I want to shave with them? ABSOLUTELY! But the thought of damaging my precious pieces of grooming excellence outweighs my quest for the perfect shave. I properly care for my razors. I know I won't damage them. I've only dropped one razor and that will be the last one I drop.

    But, they are tools......meant to be used......and you can always buy more. I question if I really bought those two specific razors to shave with or put in a display cabinet someday. I know I will shave with them, the comic book, some day I just have to.

  9. #9
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I don't collect anything that I don't have the pleasure of interacting with by using it. I don't want to be a curator for my little private museum and some other guy will end up enjoying whatever it is after I'm dead and gone.
    I feel the same way. When ever I visit an antique store (about once a year) I have to think of a use for something before I can buy it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CableDawg View Post
    Why don't I shave with it? I can already tell you it's the best razor I own.
    But you have a Hans, too. Try them, both. You will be well pleased.

    Incidentally, the Hans is currently the only razor I have on display, as it is one of the most beautiful razors ever made and it looks nice in my new 1926 dining room with dark wood and lemon coloured silk tapestry.

    Nonetheless, both are only pieces of metal, and meant to be used. Yes, I take out a super fluffy carpet thing when I strop them, and I never rinse but wipe them when shaving - I think they deserve that extra bit of caution.

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