If you were going to buy a razor for you to use exclusively as a shaver, what would you get?? Would a new custom be in order, or would you look for a specific vintage razor.?
Thanks for the input!!
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If you were going to buy a razor for you to use exclusively as a shaver, what would you get?? Would a new custom be in order, or would you look for a specific vintage razor.?
Thanks for the input!!
It can be ONE and ONLY ONE razor? Just wondering, because personally I'd rather have at least three or four razors at hand for a small rotation, rather than putting all of my eggs in one basket, so to speak.
Right now, anyway, I'm really enjoying a nice 8/8 Livi and an 8/8 Gotta that I have, also a Friodur 7/8 that I just got sharpened and little Red Imp 132 Wedge that shaves like crazy.
Next week will be different!
I would point you to the top of this page and click on Classified.
Look for a razor with replaced scales selling for less than $100.
Not fancy scales just a nice 5/8 or 6/8 razor with a clean cutting
edge on the blade no fancy name....
Watching stuff pass by the folk in the classified will not bother
buffing, honing and putting fresh scales on a trash blade. I think I saw
a dandy a couple days ago for about $60... Nothing fancy but very
nice and clean....
I would also point you to the full razor+strop packages
that some of the sponsors have (look on the right edge and upper
right corner of this page, they are random each window refresh).
A new razor, new strop and professional honing .... and perhaps
shave soap and a brush all add up. Some of the packages are stellar.
Now that I see two pages of replies can the OP tell us more?
Is this a first razor or the twenty first razor. I must admit that
my reply was for a beginner looking for his first razor where budget
is tight enough to keep him at one for some time.
Bought a couple of expensive razors over this year and now I solely use my 20$ Wapi... love the 1/4 grind.
if it were only one, it would be a custom.... and if there could be more than one, I'd take a couple of customs :D... but that's probably because most of mine are workhorses now anyway.
As far as vintage razors go, I love bokers, henckels, and anything that says eskilstuna on it... but there are plenty of little known razors that are wonderful shavers. Such a toss up sometimes for me
For me, trying out razors is a major contributing factor for straight shaving. Having tried a few over a hundred razors, I have learnt to appreciate the fun in this, and I am quite certain that I still have not found the perfect razor.
Customs are not an option because I like vintages too much. Besides which, I can get 5 to 10 good razors for the price of a custom.
In a squeeze, and at the time of writing, I would settle for my Dorko 300 because it is big, has a stiff grind, and looks good. Tomorrow, who knows... ;)
I like different razors for different reasons. At the moment, I really like my 15/16 Wacker and my 7/8 W&B wedge, but a few weeks back I was using my two DOVO's a load, and then before that it was the Edelweisse....
I guess if I could only have one razor, I'd probably go for a custom Damascus steel something, with a wide blade and fancy scales, just because its pretty! But then I'd end up wanting other ones as well..! :)
I have RAD y'see. One just isnt enough. Two is better, three is better still... I've got to get to my dream of a full 365 days worth..! :D
Mastro Livi 8/8 Bergam Damascus in Mammoth Ivory Scales.
I got it, so it's on to the next. I'm expanding my rotation all the time.
Filly Doble Temple 13. Performance blew me away. Shat all over my big 8/8 Henckels.
I have had superb shaves with Griffon, Filarmonica #13 Double Temple, some Henckels, TI. For me it would be though to find one razor that shaves the best.
Lynn summed it up pretty well here
My list isn't as big as Lynn's, but it is growing and they all are my favorite straight razors.
Thus, don't get too bent on just owning one. They joy is in having a few with some variety in them. It may take years to favor one over another and then that can change.
For a shaver, I would go with a "no frills" custom made of high carbon steel. For what you pay for a decent vintage, you can do pretty well.
In theory I would have a Zowada or a livi in ivory scales, worked back etc etc fancied up to the edge with everything, however Ive never shaved with one and can not testify as to their awe.
I have however, accumulated many Sheffields, Solingens and a couple of Swedes.
My preference is for a vintage Solingen blade, hollow ground in 13/16. The take great edges and shave like a dream. For me these are the best.
Thanks guys... for clarification.. I have been shaving for a couple months with "real" straight razors.. quite a few more previous with a "feather"..
My "real" straight razors which have become my shave's of choice.. but...
I have one that shaves easy always a smooth shave close & it just seems to be a lot better & easier than the others Its a Crown 6/8 square point. so far just the strop has kept it in great shape with no problems...ie its a "fun" shave for lack of a better term.
the other 2 real ones i have will work but are just not smooth enough to make me want to use them regularly.. (I still use the feather to shave my head).
I just got some chrome ox to try. maybe this will bring the other 2 up to that "silky" smooth shave that the "Crown" delivers.
I don't have enough variation in my collection yet to have a favorite style.. so far the edge (and ease of maintenance) is what impresses me.
I guess the reason for my thread was to see if a consensus best of the best existed (as far as function)..
In the end i suppose the holy grail of razors may be different for each of us...
As long as the razor is well kept and honed by someone who know how to hone razors - the good razor list in the Wiki is a good start.
Also read this:
What is the best razor
You can have my Filli's when you pry them from the cold, dead hands of my sons. In fact, it will be in the will, if either of them sells the Filli I left them, they lose it all.
If I could only have one srt8 razor, I think I would opt for my trusty 5/8" Dovo "Black Star." She's not as ornate as lots of other razors in my possession, but she gets the job done.
The one picked from a Leprechan on St Pat's one an only dayof the year!! :beer2:
If I could only have one, it would probably be a 11/16 or 6/8 W&B Bow. Or maybe a similar size/grind Greaves...
I guess what i was hoping for was a certain style size type ect.. that would be most favored so i could get a "head start" on what to look for.. What is great about the responses tells me that there are many great ones to be had..
An update on one of my rough ones .. I had bought it in the classified "shave ready" & it just didn't do my face right.. ..post chrome ox. applied to one side of my linen strop... 20 strops.. then plain linen, the leather and it came up to even with my "best" one. yesterday morning i stropped it 5 times on the fairy dust linen strop, then plain, then leather using lite pressure..Man what a difference.. it now blows my others out of the sink water! (so to speak) No kidding, this razor is now purely awesome. i really didn't expect a straight razor could be this sharp.. I figured a little suffering was part of the heritage from our forefathers. now i know the truth!!
The recommend size and grind is as I posted - about half hollow and 11/16 or 6/8. It seems that round points are recommended, but I've never had a problem with the squares. This is, of course, all in the wiki. Robin knows the proper links better than I.
It would simply be the otto busch weltmeister with the simple plastic scales that was my first razor. For some reason I seem to be immune to the xAD bugs.
Well... actually that is not entirely correct. As far as the choice for shavers go, it would be correct but even though I don't suffer from RAD there is a razor that I would really like to own: a Mappin Lancet point.
Sadly, I have not yet been able to buy one. For some reason, that's the only one I'd really like to put my hands on.
Bruno, in which size do you have your ‘Otto Busch Weltmeister’?
As a pure performance shaver? I'd get a new TI razor in silver steel. If you have tough beard the difference is quite noticeable.
I think it depends where you are in the learning curve and whether you are planning on using it to learn how to hone your own... I know I destroyed my first one ( but it wasn't that great to start and it was a kind of stainless thing that was brand new, not shave ready and stubborn :) ) so my first one should really have been a cheaper vintage one (rather than new). Now when I am looking to pick up a razor my ideal find is under $25.00, square tip, minimal wear, american/german/british/french, don't care about the scales cause the're gonna be replaced anyway. Don't care about blade engraving/gold wash (strictly cosmetic) . And if I could only have one, it would be the one with the least wear that met the above criteria.
never mind... I just read this link and changed my mind....http://straightrazorpalace.com/razor...eel-razor.html
Ladies and gentlemen:
That is a difficult question to answer, since I have many more shaves to enjoy and razors to try. For now, if I must have an answer, I would choose my Wacker 1st Model "Old Sheffield" 6/8" razor with bone scales and dreadnought point. It by no means gives me the best shave. Rather, I like its looks, balance and the perfect way it tucks itself into my hands.
I have a few razors, but for the past 7 or 8 months, I have been using one daily shaver. An 8/8 Filarmonica square point Novodur. I also have a number of fillies, and this one is the ugly duckling. I bought it for $70, but almost returned it as it had a lot of water spots. I decided to clean that off, and I have to say, it took a wicked edge. Not only that, it holds it. It is just a little better than my other fillies, even another 8/8 Novodur I have - I don't know why.
Other than sharpness, this fillie is so smooth at the same time. It also balances, handles and strops perfectly for me. I think those attributes are just as important as sharpness.
Probably not perfect, but for now, I am happy with this. I need to give it a name. :)
No, Robin, the pumas are not for sale...yet. ;)
I have only one at this moment I bought many years ago, a W R Case with bone handles like they use on their knives and it just wasn't much of a shaver out of the box but what did I know?
Way before there was an internet-hahaha
I have worked on it, through the stones strop etc and it shaves pretty well but again, what do I know-nada
So I finally broke down and bought a New Old Stock Dovo 7/8" with Genuine Ivory scales that is being sold as shave ready by Lynne.
When it arrives I will try it out and then I will know something-
It is all that much better than mine then my Case is headed to Lynn.
Eventually I would like to have 8 in the rotation while one is out until I really get the hang of honing-
The Case does not have even bevels on each side but it still shaves- probably not up to its capacity.
Here's a fantastic little idea that will change your life: Call that Filawhatever thingy "The Pumas", and send me the real Pumas. Easy! And they're German - they will never really feel at home abroad, you animal abuser!
PS This is not a WTB ad, but a running joke.
I can only comment on the razors that I own since I wouldn't know about those I've never used.
My one single razor, if I had to pick one would probably be my larger Satinedge. It takes an edge better than my gold or wonder. Most of my razors are spikes, I also like my C-Mon. But, my round tipped Dove has a sentimental place in my heart as my first straight razor. Now that I think of it the nice light elegance of my Genco would be missed or my behemoth of a 7/8 Fenney. Ok, there is no "best" shaver, they're all fun to own and even better to shave with.
The Dovo and Satinedge are the two that I keep in my razor/travel bag.
If i had to choose only one razor to get along i would choose one of my Swedes: Jernbolaget or J.A.Hellberg.
They are not maybe most beautiful razors in the world. They do not have fancy scales either.
They are very easy to get dead sharp, and they keep their edges quite long. They both are my best shavers. Getting BBS with these is easier than with some other razors i have.
They are just tools that are meant to do the job, and they do it well. Nothing more, nothing less.