Thanks guys... for clarification.. I have been shaving for a couple months with "real" straight razors.. quite a few more previous with a "feather"..

My "real" straight razors which have become my shave's of choice.. but...

I have one that shaves easy always a smooth shave close & it just seems to be a lot better & easier than the others Its a Crown 6/8 square point. so far just the strop has kept it in great shape with no its a "fun" shave for lack of a better term.

the other 2 real ones i have will work but are just not smooth enough to make me want to use them regularly.. (I still use the feather to shave my head).

I just got some chrome ox to try. maybe this will bring the other 2 up to that "silky" smooth shave that the "Crown" delivers.

I don't have enough variation in my collection yet to have a favorite style.. so far the edge (and ease of maintenance) is what impresses me.

I guess the reason for my thread was to see if a consensus best of the best existed (as far as function)..

In the end i suppose the holy grail of razors may be different for each of us...

