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    Default What would you Buy as a "Best" Shaver

    If you were going to buy a razor for you to use exclusively as a shaver, what would you get?? Would a new custom be in order, or would you look for a specific vintage razor.?

    Thanks for the input!!


  2. #2
    Blood & MWF soap make great lather JeffE's Avatar
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    It can be ONE and ONLY ONE razor? Just wondering, because personally I'd rather have at least three or four razors at hand for a small rotation, rather than putting all of my eggs in one basket, so to speak.

    Right now, anyway, I'm really enjoying a nice 8/8 Livi and an 8/8 Gotta that I have, also a Friodur 7/8 that I just got sharpened and little Red Imp 132 Wedge that shaves like crazy.

    Next week will be different!

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exarcher View Post
    If you were going to buy a razor for you to use exclusively as a shaver, what would you get?? Would a new custom be in order, or would you look for a specific vintage razor.?

    Thanks for the input!!

    I would point you to the top of this page and click on Classified.
    Look for a razor with replaced scales selling for less than $100.
    Not fancy scales just a nice 5/8 or 6/8 razor with a clean cutting
    edge on the blade no fancy name....

    Watching stuff pass by the folk in the classified will not bother
    buffing, honing and putting fresh scales on a trash blade. I think I saw
    a dandy a couple days ago for about $60... Nothing fancy but very
    nice and clean....

    I would also point you to the full razor+strop packages
    that some of the sponsors have (look on the right edge and upper
    right corner of this page, they are random each window refresh).
    A new razor, new strop and professional honing .... and perhaps
    shave soap and a brush all add up. Some of the packages are stellar.

    Now that I see two pages of replies can the OP tell us more?
    Is this a first razor or the twenty first razor. I must admit that
    my reply was for a beginner looking for his first razor where budget
    is tight enough to keep him at one for some time.
    Last edited by niftyshaving; 03-15-2010 at 11:40 PM.

  4. #4
    v76 is offline
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    Bought a couple of expensive razors over this year and now I solely use my 20$ Wapi... love the 1/4 grind.

  5. #5
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    if it were only one, it would be a custom.... and if there could be more than one, I'd take a couple of customs ... but that's probably because most of mine are workhorses now anyway.

    As far as vintage razors go, I love bokers, henckels, and anything that says eskilstuna on it... but there are plenty of little known razors that are wonderful shavers. Such a toss up sometimes for me

  6. #6
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    For me, trying out razors is a major contributing factor for straight shaving. Having tried a few over a hundred razors, I have learnt to appreciate the fun in this, and I am quite certain that I still have not found the perfect razor.

    Customs are not an option because I like vintages too much. Besides which, I can get 5 to 10 good razors for the price of a custom.

    In a squeeze, and at the time of writing, I would settle for my Dorko 300 because it is big, has a stiff grind, and looks good. Tomorrow, who knows...


  7. #7
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeBerlin View Post
    I still have not found the perfect razor.
    The perfect razor is a bit like the Unicorn. It doesn't exist. Any more than say, the perfect car or motorcycle.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  8. #8
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I like different razors for different reasons. At the moment, I really like my 15/16 Wacker and my 7/8 W&B wedge, but a few weeks back I was using my two DOVO's a load, and then before that it was the Edelweisse....

    I guess if I could only have one razor, I'd probably go for a custom Damascus steel something, with a wide blade and fancy scales, just because its pretty! But then I'd end up wanting other ones as well..!

    I have RAD y'see. One just isnt enough. Two is better, three is better still... I've got to get to my dream of a full 365 days worth..!

  9. #9
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    Mastro Livi 8/8 Bergam Damascus in Mammoth Ivory Scales.

    I got it, so it's on to the next. I'm expanding my rotation all the time.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  10. #10
    Senior Member MykelDR's Avatar
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    Filly Doble Temple 13. Performance blew me away. Shat all over my big 8/8 Henckels.

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