Hi everybody!

I realise this is my first post, but please allow me to make up my profile and make an introductory post in your new member section without my being flamed? I am going to complete this task. Having just stumble upon your site, I thought you would be intersted in my razor - that is why i have opted to do things this way?

I have a Thomas Turner straight razor, in it's case still, and i have only just stumbled across this site - looks wonderful, by the way - and very interesting!

My razor is a Conqueror, and has gold emblem on the one side of the blade, it has what appears to me (being unaccustomed to the terminologies you may be using) to be either a bakelite or ebony handle, and has various lettering and stamps on it - please see attached photo's.

A little history: The razor you will see belonged to a long standing and close family friend - it originally belonged to her father. When she died some 12 years ago now, she bequeathed it to me - knowing i would take good care of it.

Now, at the time our friend died, her father had already been dead some 70+ years - and as this razor belonged to him (i am assuming he would have bought it brand new) I have only a rough idea as to it's age, but absolutely no idea of it's worth. I am considering putting it on our house insurance maybe, but they would want to know the value of it?

Anyway folks - enjoy the pictures please, and i welcome any information which you could provide to me.

Many thanks,