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  1. #31
    Senior Member Arrowhead's Avatar
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    Nope, can't say I've come across a razor which I don't like yet! Mine cover a small range really from 4/8 to 6/8, and I must say that the smaller ones are very manoeuvrable, but removing lather constantly does rather break the flow. 5/8 seems to be a good compromise.

    I thought maybe all you small razor enthusiasts might like this 9/16 Klauberg - a recent arrival. It's not pristine like the one in the Wiki, and it's due a new pair of scales and wedge (these are warped and misaligned), but it has bags of character - a fine shaver too.

  2. #32
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I did the edge work & trouble areas with the lil MAB in ivory and the larger open areas with the Wosty & probably won't do it again. I shave with a descent rotation that varies from 4/8 & 8/8 (most of the razors in my rotation are 5/8-6/8 for the record) & truly enjoy each and every one of them. The reason that I doubtfully will shave with two razors again is two things: stropping & no need. Sure I can whip around my face with the little MAB & wouldn't dare try the same speed with the a big blade like the Wosty, but I have to say that if I take the time with any of my razors I can get a great shave. Sure each one has differences like sharpness, size, weight, length, width and so on...but I like variety. Give it a try...

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    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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