I had a lucky strike and found a Boker for 20$. Got it polished up -with Lynn's help- and it sold for 140$. Best find yet -I would have kept it, but it was too small, 9/16-5/8- ...

Outside of that, I've found a Geneva with a big chunk out of the blade for 85$, a Dubl Duck Golden edge with a huge frown and a missign chunk at the top of that frown for 127$, a bunch of no-names from Solingen (tiny blades) for 50$ a piece, each rust coated, a W&B For 30 that I maaaay go back for... Need to re-check the edge, and a bunch of other chipped, cracked or chunked blades, none for under 40$.

It's depressing. Especially the Dubl Duck... I got my hopes up, seeing the scales, maybe I could haggle with him! Then I saw the blade. When I called the seller on it saying that was a ridiculous price, and that the blade was actually damaged he said, "It was made that way! The inward curve is very rare, it makes the neck and cheek easier!"

... Really? I mean... Come on... Really? :