I am currently in the market for a new high end razor. After using my 2 straights I bought pretty cheaply I am sold on the straight razor shave. The 2 I am looking at are the Dovo Perlex
Vintage Blades LLC::Dovo Straight Razors::Dovo Carbon Steel Straight Razors::Dovo Perlex, 5/8" Carbon Steel Straight Razor - Professionally Honed

or a Dovo Micarta
Vintage Blades LLC::Dovo Straight Razors::Dovo Stainless Steel Straight Razors::Dovo Ivory Micarta, 5/8" Stainless Steel Straight Razor - Professionally Honed

Have any of you ever owned or used one of these blades? If so what did you like? Hate? about these razors. Any help would be appreciated.