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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Hello Gents, I live all the way near the southern Arctic in a little place called Australia and straight shaving products of quality are very scant to come by.

    I do have a few close friends scattered around and near Solingen Germany,
    so my question is, is it possible to buy direct from the factories or dealers in that area ? since all the best brands have their factory headquarters right in town....

    Would it be actually more economic to buy from the source ?, because I'm tired of waiting a whole week for a razor in auction and than being out-bid in the last 3 seconds !!!
    and a lot of websites who sell with a moderate saving, either don't have the nice razors I'm after or charge an arm and a leg for shipping !

    Cheers Guys...

  2. #2
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    It's likely, but you're going to end up paying full MSRP on them. When manufacturers get resellers, they sell at a discounted rate so that the resellers can compete with eachother. The manufacturer marks their items at full price so that they don't become a marketplace competitor.

    You might want to check out Revisor. To my knowledge, they only sell directly from their factory and choose their own prices. Since this is the case, you'll probably get a good deal on one.

  3. #3
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I know you can buy direct from Revisor, but I doubt you can from Dovo. There was a thread recently about buying from Revisor, actually, but I don't rememeber what it was called. I'm sure Robin will chime in soon.

  4. #4
    Senior Member mrbhagwan's Avatar
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    That thread about Revisor is here in the vendor section, but this post specifically gives you the information you want.

    I am in the process of ordering a razor from them, and Thomas Kronenberg has been very helpful.

  5. #5
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Ask your friends in and around Solingen, it would be easy for them to make the phone call and find out straight from Dovo.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EMRE View Post
    Hello Gents, I live all the way near the southern Arctic in a little place called Australia and straight shaving products of quality are very scant to come by.

    I do have a few close friends scattered around and near Solingen Germany,
    so my question is, is it possible to buy direct from the factories or dealers in that area ? since all the best brands have their factory headquarters right in town....

    Would it be actually more economic to buy from the source ?, because I'm tired of waiting a whole week for a razor in auction and than being out-bid in the last 3 seconds !!!
    and a lot of websites who sell with a moderate saving, either don't have the nice razors I'm after or charge an arm and a leg for shipping !

    Cheers Guys...
    I bought a fine Dovo walking distance from the Rocks in Sydney AU
    about 15 years ago.... I was visiting from the US and the dollar
    was better than it is now....

    Most manufacturers will not sell a product less than their recommended price
    and undercut their retailers. Your best bet for a bargain is to visit your
    local retailer and ask/ beg for a discount.

    Shop... shop, shop.

  7. #7
    Member jankrix's Avatar
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    a bit off topic:
    if u r in australia and willing to buy from australia, you can buy from they sell dovo, very limited range, I some shaving supply from them, the price seems fair, but not cheap compared to other shop, but the shipping is fast within australia. If you're in sydney, in the city there's a tobacco shop called sol levy, they sells several shaving supply, an unknown brand of straight razor (forgot the name), varies of vulvix brush and shaving cream.

    I never bought from AKC (Australasian Knife Collector) but they also sells solingens product of straight razor, Timor brand and Giesen & Forsthoff’s (I also have no idea about these brands)

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