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Thread: First Razor

  1. #1
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    Default First Razor

    Hey everybody,

    I wanted to start by saying that I'm new to your boards and thanks for letting me be a part of the community.

    I wanted to share some pics of my first and only Razor, I found this while going through some of the Grandparents old boxes in my Garage.

    I am real interested in mastering the skill of the Straight Razor but want to make sure that this "old man" is in good enough condition to take on the job!

    Not sure if the pics are good enough though, if anyone could make any suggestions as to what I should or should not do to this Suprej, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thanks again!
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  2. #2
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    great looking razor ,congrats.
    The company has relation to Double Duck(unless the name is a coincidence) , but the more knowledgeable will chime in with details.

  3. #3
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    open and close it five times quickly, and see if it quacks or if it says "good-day."

    only then will you know which variant it is.

  4. #4
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Wow, that's in excellent condition and I'm positive that it will be a great shaver!

    We have a little bit of information on Bresnick here:

    One of the historians could probably provide more info, but it seems to be a precursor to Dubl Duck, which are highly-regarded razors.

    As to what to do; I'd definitely send it out to someone in our Member Services section to be cleaned, tightened and professionally sharpened. If it actually belonged to your grandparents I'd also mention via PM that the razor is an heirloom. The cleanup looks like it'd be pretty easy in that condition as well. Congrats on the find and welcome to SRP!

  5. #5
    Senior Member cyclelu's Avatar
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    Congratulations and Welcome to SRP!

    It is wonderful that you have such a nice razor to start with and that it was your Grand's makes it even better.

    As Commiecat mentioned send to 1 of the restorers to be cleaned up and honed professionally.

    By the way be sure to read through the Straight Razor Place Wiki and also check out the for information on the other items that you will need.

    Enjoy the journey!

  6. #6
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    That is a sweeet razor! Never seen that Bresnick. Bresnick's are related to Ducks - same distributor I think. That would probably make that razor something of a collectors item in addition to making me think she should be a fantastic shaver. Make sure you take good care of her (maybe even set her aside all nicely oiled up and start with something a bit more... standard?).

    Also, welcome to the forum.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP! I'm not sure what you mean by 'old man' but many of us have started straight razor shaving later in life, including me. If you go slow, start with just your side burns and cheeks and read the beginner's section in the WIKI here Straight Razor Place Wiki:Books/Beginners Guide - Straight Razor Place Wiki you should be fine. Also, get the razor professionally honed by a senior member that advertises in the Classifieds here Member Services - Straight Razor Place Classifieds

    Good luck!
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  8. #8
    Senior Member woodchuck's Avatar
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    Welcome, many of us have been guided here by our grandfathers. Mine left me a hardware store branded razor, not a gem like your's. I won't be jelous as long as he didn't leave you a car dealership as well. Study hard and learn to use the tool he left you.

  9. #9
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Welcome to srp,

    You should have it honed and start using it.

  10. #10
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    Thanks all for the words of encouragment and information!

    I'm really stoked about this whole thing, my plan is to indeed get her Honed and start "sharpening" my skills! I have to admit though I'm a bit intimidated by the idea, I've been using...(well you know) all of these years and now this thing comes along and opens up all kinds of new doors!

    I'm 36 right now and can't remember my Grandpa ever using this thing while I was around! This Razor has been in Mothballs for probably over 40 years, I can't believe it's been preserved so well.

    That's why I know I gotta use it, if I didn't it would be ashame..

    Thanks again ya'll!

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