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  1. #1
    Advocate of Occam mrgad's Avatar
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    Default Robert Williams: The Naked Blade

    Robert calls this "The Purist." I call it the Naked Blade. And, in my hands, I call myself Edward Razorhands, as this is about the closest a razor has ever come to feeling like a physical extension of my arm.

    The blade is an 8/8 quarter hollow, 2.2 inches in length with an overall length of six inches in HCS steel.

    Robert Williams is well celebrated for his exceptional craftsmanship with scales in materials from the old standbys to the downright abstruse exotics. But just as the true test of a chef is a roasted chicken, the measure of this razorsmith's aristry is what he can do with a naked blade sans scales.

    This is a pure lump of steel. To talk about its balance is a bit like trying to describe the engineering of a human knuckle. Everything has been engineered over a lifetime of experience to fit just so. It doesn't hurt to have deeply cut jimps both upstairs and downstairs to secure the grip on this scalpel.

    I'd be lying if I didn't admit I nicked myself twice on my first shave. But chalk that up to the fact that I've only shaved with a Japanese style razor once before, and I'm use to anvil-heavy scales. On my second attempt I obtained a shave that can best be described as surgical.

    When understanding the complexity that goes into a design that is a bastion of simplicity, one must remember that Robert is a man who is so exacting that he BUILDS HIS OWN MEASURING DEVICES just to ensure that blade thickness is uniform throughout. These forgings are so painstaking -- he won't win any awards for breaking the sound barrier -- but they are worth every minute and month of the wait, if you can make it onto his coveted waiting list.

    I confess I'm tickled that my Purist is stamped 001. Hopefully for all of you there will be a 002 and a 003, etc. This is a razor any straight razor afficionado must have in his arsenal. There is truly nothing else like it.

    Hold it in your outstretched hand for just a moment and you'll understand instantly every word I've written.

    A masterpiece.

    - Mark
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    ScottGoodman (07-12-2010)

  3. #2
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Slick, Versatile and Very Gucci, I am still waiting on mine. Should be around serial number 007 at least that’s what Big Papa Bull told me. I have been using the Iwasaki’s for the past 8 months or so and have become proficient shaving and sharpening them.
    The SVVG Purist should perform as well if not better due to the grind. It will be fun finding out. Thanks for posting the pic Mark. Now I have a serious RAD jones going. He is after all the RAD enabler.
    have a nice day

  4. #3
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Oh come on!
    You tempt us with the title "The Naked Blade" and then you leave part of it covered!
    Could you please take a photo, or several, of it in your hand so we can more of it?

    BTW, it does look fantastic and the stand truly complements it.

  5. #4
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Congratulations on your new razor! Nothing but steel is a cool look
    Find me on SRP's official chat in ##srp on Freenode. Link is at top of SRP's homepage

  6. #5
    Blood & MWF soap make great lather JeffE's Avatar
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    I'm waiting for mine too, and I was losing some of my resolve until I saw your pictures! Thanks for the morale booster! --Jeff

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Oh come on!
    You tempt us with the title "The Naked Blade" and then you leave part of it covered!
    Could you please take a photo, or several, of it in your hand so we can more of it?
    I think the photo was tastefully done. Gotta leave a little to the imagination.

  8. #7
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    any full open pics by chance?


  9. #8
    < Banned User > John Crowley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcdad View Post
    any full open pics by chance?

    It doesn't open - it lifts off the stand.

  10. #9
    Member MrMarx's Avatar
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    Hmmm...looks lovely.

    Am also awaiting delivery of said blade. I asked Robert to slightly alter mine to 2" exactly... I wasn't aware this is an 8/8?!

    Glad it shaves well and I look forward to sharing some similar stories in the next few weeks!

  11. #10
    < Banned User > John Crowley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMarx View Post
    Hmmm...looks lovely.

    Am also awaiting delivery of said blade. I asked Robert to slightly alter mine to 2" exactly... I wasn't aware this is an 8/8?!

    Glad it shaves well and I look forward to sharing some similar stories in the next few weeks!
    It is a beautiful piece of work and a concept previously used only by the Roman Empire (bronze), and the Japanese.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to John Crowley For This Useful Post:

    Heraclius (08-23-2010)

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