I have a TI LeGrelot 1/4 Grind (which I understand is probably a better shaver than the 6/8), a vintage Friodur (which I understand are better and more consistent that the current grinds in 7/8), and a Wacker Antik. My best shavers right now are the Wacker and a vintage Revisor Gold ... this is against the above razors + a Wonderedge, Dorko 300 (my 3rd best), Weltmeister, Worldmaster, LeCroix, and Blue Bell ... some good razors and the Wacker is at the top of the heap. The Wacker is big, but balanced, easy on the face, and does a really nice job of slicing hairs for a smooth shave. It also looks great.

By the way, all but the Dorko and Revisor have been honed by Lynn ... so hone isn't a difference with these razors. Given that, I think depending on the beard, user preference, and specific razor, there are variables that will always come into play that have little to do with manufacturer. I have occassionally heard some negative comments on here about Wackers, and my assumption is that they had one that was inconsistent. This can probably happen with any razor, but obviously some have a reputation as being more consistent than others (e.g., I know TI has a bit of a reputation for quality consistency ... at least in the past. Just my 2c.