Welcome to SRP Ron. You may like to read through the WIKI on the menu bar above for information on straight shaving, the gear and a starting point as to which razors are good and which to avoid. Dubl Ducks are good razors but there is too much to tell you what to look for or better yet, what to avoid. If you do go after any straight razors with power tools, especially a Dremel be sure to wear eye protection.

Now a bit about our rules. Sales talk or trade talk is limited to PM's, the Classifieds forum and the Vendor Corner. People that post in the Vendor Corner need to be registered with SRP. Please read through the rules you agreed to when you registered with SRP to avoid any future problems.

Again, welcome to SRP. I hope you find the wealth of information our members contributed to this site and hopefully contribute some back on wet shaving ans straight razors as you gain experience.