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08-31-2010, 01:56 PM #1
Help ID'ing Sovereign Markings...?
So I got this from a UK seller on the fleabay, and I'm trying to ballpark the year it was made. I don't have a pic of the tang, but it's stamped "SUPERIOR RAZOR" with no other manufacturer markings.
I think the scales are clear horn, and some damage to one area shows that there are two or three layers of the material (also, it looks like there may be some iridescence, but it's too dirty to tell right now). It also has the stubby little monkey tail, all of which makes me think it's 1800-1850-ish.
I know some razors have sovereign markings on the tang (G crown R for King George Rex, etc.--great thread elsewhere on SRP), but I don't know if the markings on these scales are sovereign markings, and if so, which monarch they represent.
The numeral below the crown looks to me like a "1" but I suppose it could be a J or an L or an I. Also, what seems to be the name of the owner is written in the box above what looks like a "6" with a little arch over it. No idea what that 6 is about, either.
I've exhausted my googling capabilities, so I thought I'd offer it up to the eminence and collective wisdom of the forums.
Any ideas??
08-31-2010, 04:17 PM #2
Based on what little of the tail I can see, I'd guess 1840's-ish. A shot of the blade open and a closeup of the tang would really help. I'm guessing you don't have the razor in hand yet?
08-31-2010, 05:37 PM #3
I have it in hand but not handy--left it at the crib.
Just found this link which shows the same marking as indicating a Sheffield silver steel blade made in 1833. So I'd say that's a darn good guess based only on those images...
Sheffield Date Letter Chart - Online Encyclopedia of Silver Marks, Hallmarks & Makers' Marks
08-31-2010, 10:17 PM #4
Ha, that's too funny. I had first guessed 1830's, but then looked more closely at the tail, second guessed, and edited my post.
09-01-2010, 01:46 PM #5
Haha. Yeah, this apparently ain't your first rodeo, as we say in the South. Now I just have to figure out if the "John Deere" who signed the box is *that* John Deere
That little "6" with the arch over it is really challenging my google-game.
09-01-2010, 02:48 PM #6
09-12-2010, 01:29 PM #7
Good point--hadn't thought of that. Still can't find anything on it. I encountered a Freemason at work and showed it to him (I know Masons were big around that time), but he said he didn't recognize it. I'm guessing it's maybe that guy's own personal mark, or brand, or something. Perhaps it will remain a mystery for the ages...ah, who am I kidding, I earn a living as a detective--I clearly have an issue with not letting go until I find things out.