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  1. #11
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    You did better than I did, Alex. My Wapi cost me $20, plus shipping. It too, was shave ready, but was advertised as such. Although unlike yours, it was in great shape. It gives a great shave but after three years, I still have a hard time getting used to the heavy scales.

  2. #12
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    I'm no expert,but I have two Dovos,the Best Quality and the Special.Both shave just fine and unless I can really afford the bling,I actually would be just happy with say another Special if I had to get another blade. Don AT SRD told me that the Best Quality usually needs to be honed sooner than most but I can't really remember what the particulars were on that. It does seem for the most part that the materials are what dictate the higher cost though. To Mr. Lawson stone "Your a daisy if ya do." ~Some dentist guy from the South who was a good shot~ ........Can't get enough of ol Doc m'self heh !

  3. #13
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I have a couple of DOVO's, a Black Star and a Bismarck, and they're both great shavers. Theres no difference in the shave quality with them, and theres no real difference between the Black Star and a Wacker costing four times as much.

    The extra money goes on flashy scales, gold wash and spine work.

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  5. #14
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Someone here asked them about that some time ago and they were told all the carbon steel razors use the same Swedish Steel. Like the guys have said it's the deoration and scales that account for the price. I have a few new Dovo's and they really all shave the same-very good. I imagine the stainless is all the same too.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  7. #15
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    If you like extra hollow ground razors the Prima Klang is very nice. I have the TI extra hollow ground too and its much heavier.

  8. #16
    the artist
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    I have four Dovo , two micarta , black star and bismark . The only difference is some are carbon steel and the other are stainless steel . In my experience the carbon steel you have to strop always before you shave , stainless steel you no have this problem and the edge stay sharp more time . I love both stainless steel and carbon steel .

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to ramon For This Useful Post:

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  10. #17
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    Default Vintage?

    I bought a Dovo razor from a guy selling wares on the side of the road in rural Nova Scotia and it's a "Fritz Bracht" or it has that etched into one side of the tang along with Solingen-Germany. The other side saying Dovo Solingen with that weird lil logo and it says "Facharbeit" on the blade...Handle is red, it looks kinda like a bismark model, but older... is that about what it is? how about a time period? it's worn and looks old school... just wondering how old. thanks.
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    Last edited by hookanava; 09-07-2010 at 06:45 AM.

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