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Thread: 5 trash or treasures?
09-05-2010, 07:18 PM #1
5 trash or treasures?
Hello to all, For my first post I would like the help of the group. I have inherited 5 blades from my wifes great grandfather. These have been in a back closet for many years. Any comments on the quality and value of these would be appreciated.
Hamburg Ring Ivorene
King Midas with bamboo
Silver King Fremont
Made in Germany for Farney New York from finest Swedish razor steel
pictures are the best I could do, sorry
Many thanks in advance.
09-05-2010, 07:42 PM #2
Well we do not do appraisals here.
They do look like well cared for quality razors.
The Hamburg Ring Ivorene seems to have broken scales so
lightly oil it and set it to the side for now.
All of the others look like better than average
razors and after sending out for professional
honing should make FINE shavers.
In my opinion, blades "from my wifes great grandfather"
would qualify as a family treasure. If you do not
wish to shave with them lightly oil with mineral
oil and put them back in a dry dark closet.
09-05-2010, 08:04 PM #3
Looks like you've got yourself some fine razors that will shave well. Have them honed up and give them a whirl.