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Thread: any good?

  1. #1
    Member Bluerain's Avatar
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    Question any good?

    does anybody know if those replaceable blade straight razors are any good i found them on and saw that their more in my price range for starting out with a straightedge don't want to spend about 70 bucks on a razor if i decide it's not for me

  2. #2
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    They're good for what they are. The Gillette Mach3 is ok too, lots of people use it.

    It depends what you are looking for - the replaceable blade razor is not going to feel the same or give you the same results as a proper straight razor, but it is a tool which can remove your beard
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Bnick's Avatar
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    Default Disposable

    I use a regular str8 but when I go to my barber he uses a disposable to shave the back of my neck when he is done with the hair cut. The disposable are very harsh compared to the regular str8. They are just not as comfortable.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    I'm sure if you are patient and persistent you will find a good quality straight razor that is shave ready and will fit your budget. It might not be the prettiest razor on the market but will be fine for straight shaving and a good tool to determine if this sport is for you. Start by looking through the Classifieds forum and the Vender's Corner forum.

    Good luck.
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  5. #5
    Still learning markevens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluerain View Post
    does anybody know if those replaceable blade straight razors are any good i found them on and saw that their more in my price range for starting out with a straightedge don't want to spend about 70 bucks on a razor if i decide it's not for me
    Check out the classifieds, there are a number of inexpensive razors there right now.

    Whipped dog also specializes in inexpensive but sharp razors for beginners who don't want to spend a lot of cash to see if they like it or not.

  6. #6
    Awesomo Zidago's Avatar
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    Well, for someone who has shaved for three months straight with a feather blade, lets just say a nice yes an no.

    When you first use one the odds of hurting yourself are high, as it can cut fairly easily. Though, as with anything, practice makes it easier. It certainly shaves differently that a normal straight anyway, and you can feel it.

    Lets do a pros and cons shall we?

    -always sharp
    -never have to rotate
    -fairly good shave

    -goes dull quickly
    -have to be more careful
    -doesn't look as good as a real straight

    There are more but I can't think of them right now. Buy one as a placeholder shaver or for travel, but nothing compares to an actual straight that glides over your face early in the morning.

    A tip though, replace the blade before the forth shave. The first is rough, the second smooth, the third is almost indiscernible from a normal straight and the forth is like someone replaced your blade with a shard of glass.

  7. #7
    Senior Member dirtychrome's Avatar
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    If I am running late, not having time for strop, brush lather and clean up, I save time to shave face and head with using the disposable straight.

    I'll grab it before I take the DE on those mornings. In fact I grab it often enough that I just made some new scales for that cheapo.

    It does shave, and the mechanics are basicly the same as a traditional straight, BUT it is not as enjoyable as a real straight. The solid felling, balance and smoothness of the straight are only few things that give the real straight a more confident feeling. When starting, confidence is important.

    I'll nick that mole on the back of my head almost every time with the disposable if not cautious. Hasn't happened in ages with reg straight.

    If you try it, and not be happy, it wouldn't be fair to the real straight experience if you were to give up after only trying the disposable.

    If you are thinking because of cost, remember if you were to get a shave ready vintage, and find you were not happy, there is a market to re-sell it again. The disposable has no re-sell market to speak of.

    It's a skill you'll have forever. I say start of slow and and with solid tools.

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