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  1. #1
    Senior Member northpaw's Avatar
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    Default common fonts/decoration on razors

    I tried to search for a thread like this, but either there isn't one or my search/google-fu is weak.

    I've noticed that some razors made by different manufacturers seem to have identical markings. One example would be the blade inscription on this Imperial 20507 and some Boker razors with the exact same words in the exact same font. a marking like that a stamp? Was this just a common font back then, and there were perhaps sets blocks(?) that were purchased by both manufacturers? Or was there perhaps a separate company that stamped razors from several different manufacturers? Or were Imperial razors really made by Boker? Or...?

    I swear I've noticed this kind of thing many times before, but the only other example that springs to mind at the moment is the similarity between the tang ornamentation on this A. Witte Cutlery Co. "Gold Bug" and on this Krusius Brothers "Royal Oak". There may be tiny differences, but both are a six-pronged star with 5 rays above and 5 below.

    Anyhow, that sort of thing. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Antiquary manah's Avatar
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    Boker and Imperial are very different companies. And it's a fact.
    And they made their razors by themselves.
    You're forgetting, about fashion. In different time, popular different things. In one time was popular decorations on the blade. Another time - the covered tangs.
    There wasn't globalization at that time.
    Alex Ts.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The markings on the tangs or on the neck of the razors are either stamps from the old days or laser inscribed in some of the newer ones. Those were done by the individual manufacturers. I've seen some very old ones that appeared to be hand done but it's hard to tell. For decoration on the blade and gold wash I suspect most of that was sent out except maybe for some of the bigger companies.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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