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Thread: whats your best shaver

  1. #91
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arrowhead View Post
    I wouldn't want to single out any one razor from mine, but I have had a real superstar pass through my hands just lately for a clean up and rescale. Grizzley1 might be pleased to hear that she's another Hammesfahr, and I can't remember using a better razor. If I can sort out my photo hosting difficulties, there will be a few pics appearing in Custom Builts and Restorations very soon.

    edit: it's up now.
    Your right, I am. I was just going to post a question about that ,sort of, out of all my razors, about 35-40, my Hammesfahr French point, has NEVER had to go back to the stones ever! Not once, the most it's ever gotten is a few strokes on a Swaty and that is it. I have at least 250 shaves on it and it's still my best shaver. Has anyone ever had a similar experience?

  2. #92
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    Clean the rust off, give it a liberal rub over with olive oil and bake it in the oven for an hour or so at around 180 cel. Repeat again, and then only as deemed necessary. When they are used for cooking the seasoning is added to each time. That's my method anyway.

    Seasoned or not, what can you cook on a straight razor???
    lol, sorry, couldn't help it.
    dinnermint likes this.

  3. #93
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    Your right, I am. I was just going to post a question about that ,sort of, out of all my razors, about 35-40, my Hammesfahr French point, has NEVER had to go back to the stones ever! Not once, the most it's ever gotten is a few strokes on a Swaty and that is it. I have at least 250 shaves on it and it's still my best shaver. Has anyone ever had a similar experience?
    I have a couple Williams Razors which have a lot of shaves on them and have never seen a hone since I got them. Probably the all time champ was the TI Damascus which over several years and a couple hundred shaves easy, never had to be rehoned. Of course to initially get it shaving properly took months of on and off honing with probably thousands of strokes on the hone.
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  4. #94
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    I find my best shaver depends on the soap and edge it has on it. One of my early Best Ever shaves came from a Iwasaki folding SR. Later on, it was my FEON SR that gave one of my smoothest shaves with no tugging, pulling or irritation. Then I got the edge tuned on my Stephen Fowler custom W2 Smiling fixed blade razor. Just as smooth as the FEON, no irritation! Still chasing the edges on some other razors, but my Ribbon Super G and Ralph Aust 5/8 round point are in my regular shaving rotation with the other ones I mentioned. I am still working on getting my edges tuned up a touch more, experimenting with slurries on the J Nat stones. When I get the edge dialed in, it's a wonderful shave! RazoRock soaps work very well for me. Finally got a good lather with MWF recently and Chiseled Face and Caties Bubbles brands also work very well currently with the straights.

    I have 2 Genco Henry some number or other and am struggling to put a good edge on them?? May have to send them to get honed one of these days, heard great things about them! My Gottleib Hammesfahr was in my daily rotation until I dropped it and the scales broke. I got some cheap replacement scales for it and it's working not, but the edge needs to TLC.

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