They have an AOS by me ,you cant expect expertise on straights in this store. they have a selection of maybe three brands when I went there
and the girls job was to sell $2oo cartridge holders.There creams and stuff is there brand only and at least there's one store trying! Anyone who just out of the blue buys a str8 is going to cut them selves anyway.I'm so surprised at how many people have to learn that you can shave with water is astonishing. I grew up using a DE and my father used to get all these samples from Gillette and Schick (remember free samples?)
but through all of it remained the DE as others came and went,remember the one that wound a band of steel? any sorry about the rant-the point was that if they had 15 different kinds of straits th try from and someone to teach them-it ain't coming back strong enough to take back the market,so I applaud them for even trying. If the laws changed to just sterilizing you could have a selection,and see what you were getting into.