Hello, hoopswoops:

Welcome to Straight Razor Place.

Should you stick with the straight razor — and I hope you do — you have a long and enjoyable road ahead of you: of honing your skill with the straight razor, and adding a new razor to your collection when you see something you can't live without.

The road is long and enjoyable; it also requires focus and patience.

For starters, though, I suggest keeping everything nice and simple. The vendors here offer a wide variety of razors. Some come shave ready and some not. Make sure you buy one that is shave ready. Most of us here — but not everyone — prefer the razor to have an edge sharper than the edge produced at the factory.

I suggest starting with a Dovo "best quality" with a 5/8" or 6/8" blade. This comes in round point — nice and simple. As time goes on, you can broaden your taste into Spanish point, dreadnought, square point, spike point, and so on.

You will also find a quality collection of razors, hopefully shave ready, in the SRP classified, as well. Lay off buying razors from eBay until you get to know your way around the straight razor world.

In the meantime, everyone here is more than willing to help you out in any way possible.

