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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Feather "Self Strop" DE Razor

    I bought this Feather "Self Strop" DE razor at an antique market -- $36 seemed like a fair price. I've never seen one of these before.

    The original instructions (in Japanese), the strop, and some original blades were included in a nice bakelite box. The plating is worn away in some places -- this razor was _used_.

    I tried putting in a modern DE blade -- no go! The razor was designed for blades just a little bit narrower (side-to-side, not edge-to-edge) than "current production". So I'm not going to be shaving with it.

    By chance, there's a listing of one of these razors in mint condition on eBay (now removed from bidding):

    Item number: 110657036482

    I have a few questions for the group:

    1. How can I treat the strop so it doesn't fall apart when I remove it from its case? It's all rolled up, and has probably been rolled up for many years.

    2. If I _could_ get blades (or modify blades) to fit it, how would it shave?

    3. If anyone is interested in translating the instructions into English, I can supply photos.

    Thanks --

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    Last edited by cpcohen1945; 03-07-2011 at 06:46 AM. Reason: forgot photos!

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