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  1. #1
    Junior Member Dervinyard's Avatar
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    Default First time checking the antique mall

    I was able to find 3 items that seemed worth purchasing. Now, since I am new to this hobby, it would be nice to find someone from around Iowa to help with the restoration of these blades. But if not, I guess I could send them out.

    First up is a Wester Bros, New York, #34 De Fi, Solingen, Germany, 5/8 half hollow, square point, straight edge. I picked this up for $15. It did have a very thin (and old) layer of oil on it. And it looks to need very little work done to it. It has medium hone wear. Scales look to be just about perfect, and the blade centers just about perfect.

    Second up is a Crown Razor Co., Boston Mass., just over 11/16 at the point, slimming to just under 11/16 toward the shoulder, round point, half hollow, slightly hollow spine, and a small smile to the edge. The blade needs cleaned up a bit, there appears to be one VERY small ding on the edge near the shoulder, and a very small rust spot on the edge, but does not look like there is any pitting. Scales look to need a little polish, but there is no damage to them, and the blade almost centers (it doesn't hit the edge, but it isn't dead center). It is loose for the first 35-40 degrees, but tightens up after that. This was $8.

    Third up is a Lakeside Cutlery Co., Chicago, Ill., just over 11/16 at the point, slimming to 11/16 at the shoulder, round point, half hollow, slightly hollow spine, and a very small smile to the edge. The blade needs cleaned up just a bit, but it is more the shoulder and swivel point that needs polished out. Scales need a little polish, but there is no damage to them, and the blade centers. It is loose for the first 25 degrees, but tightens up after that. This was $6.

    Last edited by Dervinyard; 03-13-2011 at 06:04 AM.

  2. #2
    Bow Fishing Now ! blugill's Avatar
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    pics ain't workin, would love to see em, sounds like you did a very good job ! All names are good quality razors, oh pic is workin now and that is a beautiful Wester Bros !!! I love mine, its a manganese steel, anchor brand, and one of my favorite razors!!! Lets see the Crown and the Lakeside ! Don't you feel bad about stealing from that man That Wester, your gonna love it !!!

  3. #3
    Bow Fishing Now ! blugill's Avatar
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    Oh there all workin now and you do owe that man some more money Fantastic Score my friend !!!

  4. #4
    Junior Member Dervinyard's Avatar
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    Pictures should all be working now, I had to do some editing to them to get them to work.

    And the second mall I went to had another Wester that wasn't quite as nice. Then I opened it up and it had a huge chunk out of the blade. That was was listed at $40, and I just had to laugh.

  5. #5
    Senior Member MattCastle's Avatar
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    Great purchases! I've been looking around antique shops and flea markets near where I live but I haven't had any luck. By the way, I love the pipe tool you use to hold up the blade, I have that exact same multi-tool.

  6. #6
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Nice score, should give you some variety in your shaving...
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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