Hey all,

I mostly just lurk on here but I need a little help.

I just got a couple new razors & can't find anything on them. The first looks like it's hammered on the tang & it says Wells Warranted.
Name:  P4021982.JPG
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Name:  P4021979.JPG
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I didn't find anything in the Wiki or online for Wells so haven't been able to place or date it. It looks like a meat cleaver, has no monkey tail & no other decorative piece on it like jimps or anything. The scales are black horn or bone. They have some initials carved in as well. That is what you see on the 2nd picture.

The 2nd blade I got is just stamped as The Daisy on both the blade & Tang. It also has horn or bone scales but it is shaped like the majority of the blades I have seen.
Name:  P4021985.JPG
Views: 138
Size:  28.1 KB
Name:  P4021988.JPG
Views: 132
Size:  25.5 KB

Any help dating or placing them would be awesome. Thanks.