Quote Originally Posted by MattW View Post
I also had to set a bevel on mine when I received it. I only have 2 Kamisoris ( this one and a vintage) and have only used each a couple times so I can't make a real comparison on performance yet. But I will say that the craftsmanship on this new Kamisoris is top notch, I don't think you can beat it for the price.
I shaved with the Kanenaga Kamisori again this weekend. After stropping the kamisori 50 laps on a steer hide strop, I just used some soap to wash my face, a hot rag to soften up 3 days worth of beard, and some Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood shave soap. I did two passes: WTG, and slightly XTG. No cuts, no nicks, great shave. I could feel some stubble if I rubbed my face against the grain, but the beard looked cleanly shaven. My skin stretching has vastly improved, adding to the success of this shave.

I am a fan of this reasonably priced kamisori. Get one if you can.

