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Thread: Spanish Points?

  1. #1
    Special Agent Gibbs's Avatar
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    Default Spanish Points?

    I'm interested in buying a Wacker 5/8 Full Hollow 1/1 razor and the only thing I find is a Spanish Point. Now, I thought about posting this over at "Die WackerFans" sub forum, but, the Spanish Point may be more than just used by Wacker. I try to used round points and buy them when I can, and although I do have some square points or "spike" I really prefer the round point. It's just me, as well as liking 5/8 for a nominal size over larger 6/8 or smaller 4/8 sizes. Most comfortable shaves I have had have been with full hollows, my Imperial, "Extra Hollow Ground", my GOTTA 120 "superfine", the Wade & Butcher "Extra Hollow Ground", the Geo. Wostenholm "Superb" and etc. Again, it just a preference thing to me.

    What is the take on shaving with the Spanish Point? Is it similar to spike points? It is odd to spend this much money on a razor when one of the best shaves I have ever had came from an Imperial razor (Extra Hollow Ground) that I got for the trade of a bottle of Ice Wine. I was the first one to hone and shave with it, and the box originally said $3.00, and inside was a notation saying $1.00, so I suspect the seller had $1.00 invested in the blade and could not go below that price and still make a profit. Imagine, a straight razor, new, of such quality for $3.00??!!

    Back on track, just wanted to get some feedback on Spanish Point razors.
    ~~ Vern ~~
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  2. #2
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    They're pretty much the same as square points to shave with IMO, except they look different!

    I've got a Wacker and it's definitely one of my best shavers.

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  4. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I've seen all kinds of variations with spanish points. I have several and they are all different. Some can be just like a spike and some are more muted and some are very rounded at the edge and shave just like a round end. You need to examine the razor and you will see which type it is and how it will behave.
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  5. #4
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Like thebigspendur says, they can vary wildly in how aggressive a point they have.
    Behavior varies from Spike to round point.
    Most of mine are more towards the shape of a round-point, but I also have Spanish points with spikes that really requires the utmost attention.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  6. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Spanish points excel for those that have facial hair to trim around... YMMV

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  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    I have no preference to points on straights. I have round, square, spike, French, Spanish and others. If you dislike a type of point why spend money just because of brand or size unless you are just collecting them. A Spanish point will be similar to s spike with a small radius at the tip.

    I have found that quality of shave and cost of razor do not always go hand in hand. Some of my nest shavers cost me less than $40. As long as you are starting off with good steel I would focus on the quality of the honing over the cost or brand of the razor as you have noticed with your Imperial.
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  10. #7
    Special Agent Gibbs's Avatar
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    Well, let me post a picture of the one in mind.

    115.00 Euros including the VAT, so for selling to USA, they deduct the VAT, and shipping is 9.00 Euros, so might not be a bad overall price. And, yes, I agree with Joe, that price does not determine shave. I have the Imperial 'EXTRA HOLLOW GROUND" on the blade and it was a trade for a bottle of wine, and didn't cost me extra to have it shipped to me. Then, I have the "Gold BUG" made by A. Witte- Germany that I bought at an antique store for 7.00 and it provides a great shave.

    Heribert Wacker is ..what, 85 years old? Been making razors, hand made for 53+ years, starting out his apprenticeship at DORKO, then also worked at Puma then at DOVO for a number of years. Because of his age, if he passes away, the cost of his razors will be more expensive to purchase then. Do I need a Wacker? Not really. I mean, my GOTTA 120 Superfine and Revisors and DOVO are excellent life time shavers. It's just if I want to buy a Wacker in later years after his passing, I might look back at this time and say.. "should have"..

    I can get along with a spike, as my Geo. Wostenholm & Sons, (2ea), the XLNT Wadsworth & Sons, plus a few others are spike points. Just that they have usually been the ones to give me ear nicks and have to "toilet paper" the ear a bit. But, that hasn't happened for some time. I do like them for getting the upper lip whiskers around the nose, and as Glen pointed out, for anyone that has to trim around existing beards, they probably excel in that regards.
    Last edited by Gibbs; 05-29-2011 at 04:35 PM.
    ~~ Vern ~~
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  11. #8
    ace is offline
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    I hate to mention this, but my ear lobes have both advised me that they're going to be filing for divorce if I don't tame my square and spike points just a tad. In fact, my right ear lobe informed me that this could be done very delicately without deforming the razor. The left ear lobe said this wasn't really necessary, but he didn't get nailed like the right ear lobe did, so what does he know?
    Last edited by ace; 05-29-2011 at 12:05 PM.
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  12. #9
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    I have a Spanish Point Wacker, and I think it is my best razor. The point on it is not spiked. and I love the shave it gives. You are mking a wise choice.

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  14. #10
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    PMFJI --

    What exactly is a "Spanish point" ? I've been looking at photos of razors, and most "Spanish Point" examples have a squared-off end, with a fairly large radius between the (dull) end and the (sharp) toe of the blade.

    So I'd call them "muted square points" -- with a substantial mute.

    Is there a "standard" for "Spanish point" ?

    Thanks --


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