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Thread: Should i buy?

  1. #11
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    i refuse to pay more than 20 for any razor that i buy, but these are the only razors left in bristol below that mark (i bought most of the others)
    i am really drawn to anything with a covered tang, so i am more than ready to buy the covered tang, the other i am still wondering about, as well as the rolls

  2. #12
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    If it's really a MOP covered tang and you think it's worth it, go for it. I picked up Morley Clover with a covered tang and then saved for a few months to have someone restore it. As to the Rolls, I picked one up off the bay a few months back that the pix showed as having no crack for about $20. The leather is good but the hone broke the day after I got it. I had set it on my dresser and was going to start messing with it and my 18m old son came by and saw something shiny. When I gave him a rather stern "No! Put it down." he dropped it on the floor and the hone cracked. So now I have a pricey, but very nice looking piece of metal that hangs out with my shaving stuff and just looks cool. I figure one of these days I'll find one that everything else is trashed on and I'll get a donor hone for it.

  3. #13
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    I say go for it.

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyengineer View Post
    ps: there is one that is covered in rust for 1$ that i am getting too for an experiment with CLR, i will let everone know how that goes
    CLR hmm... CLR is a cocktail of acids it may make pitting worse.
    Use with caution. I would recommend simple wet dry sanding to start
    perhaps with 1000 grit 3M wet dry paper.

    A light sanding will let you see if the edge is sound (no cracks,
    no swiss cheese pitting).

    If you use CLR let us know... just because I would not
    try it does not mean that it has no use to you.

    Photos help...

    Have fun.

  5. #15
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    here are the three straights that i picked up, i did pick up the rolls as well, unfortunately, i didnt realize until i got home, the shaving handle is missing
    but, i do have 2 sets of instructions for it (one set wrapped in an original paper of some sort)
    i also have a list of prices for rolls razor parts
    i do not have pics of the rolls yet, but the straights had their picture taken on a bed scanner, it seems to work really well actually

    as you can see, there is one that is shot (that is the one i am using clr on)
    there is the MOP tang, and there is the other one
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  6. #16
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    I hope that MOP tang isn't too far gone. And keep your eye out, you may stumble across the rest of the Rolls. I'd also recommend scanning the instructions to it and seeing if you can get them added to the wiki as that seems to be something people stumble across on a regular basis.

  7. #17
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    the MOP is in good condition actually, as is the one above it
    the last one...well, you can see it, the scales actually have about and inch or so missing from it (this is my experiment razor)
    the MOP, you can probably see the broken scales on it, the other side is broken almost the exact same way, there is a brand name on the tang, but i cant read it (havent put it under magnifier yet) i was thinking of rescaling this one (it will be my second,i have another that i will do first to learn)

    what would look good with the MOP? (pictures would be great if someone has some)

  8. #18
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    If you wanted to be old school, get some imitation MOP. MOP is beautiful stuff. When I was a kid I was give 5 or 6 pen knives with MOP scales in various colours. I wish the person that had given them to me had saved them till I appreciated them for their beauty. Not for merely being another knife.

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