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Thread: Modern vs Vintage

  1. #11
    Mental Support Squad Pithor's Avatar
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    Haven't tried any new ones, but apart from very expensive customs I have to say I don't intend to. As far as I can judge new factory made razors, the look I've seen on most does not appeal to me (Dovo's round-tip look IMHO rather lacks character, same goes for most Thiers Issards). Even without being able to judge their shaving quality, for a poor bugger like me this has to be phenomonally good if they are to be anywhere near to the price/quality ratio of good vintages.

    I have two shave-ready vintages, German forged and Swedish forged, and after a month of straight shaving I get great shaves out of both though I do notice differences in the steel, aggression, cutting edge, etc. Looking now for some nice old Sheffield. Personally I cannot understand why people prefer owning something (expensive) shiny and new over something (inexpensive) less shiny and older that is as least as good, and usually looks much better.

    For me new ones, let alone custom made ones, can never be worth the price they are fetching nowadays. I also can't understand why anyone would spend $300+ on a vintage razor, on any razor for that matter, but I guess to each his own.

  2. #12
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    Well I guess it's obvious there is no easy answer here. My oldest razor is a 6/8 Kropp (Sheffield) that is probably a hundred years old. It gives a fantastic shave. However, if you held a gun to my head I would have to say my brand new 6/8 Dovo half hollow is my best shaver. IMO, you should experience a quality vintage razor, you won't regret it!

  3. #13
    Member JAWilliams's Avatar
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    I can say that my Wade & Butcher is a fantastic shave. I like the history of the razors I have and restoring them is great. I have not tried a new one yet.

  4. #14
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    Both. I love using my vintage razors, there's something oddly special about using a razor that old. But like someone said earlier there's very few manufacturers left and it would be a shame to loose any more so I try to also purchase new ones as well.

  5. #15
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    To the op it really is unfair to compare a custom maker like Robert Williams to a vintage razor, more fair is say to compare a new TI to a vintage one or an old boner to an old one. In that case I think the vintage is every bit as good and on many occasions better then the newer razors. Plus vintage razor, as long as its are not an immensely popular brand (ie filly, double duck) can be had at a fraction of the price of a new blade.

  6. #16
    Senior Member jcsixx's Avatar
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    I like both. The modern razors are crazy expensive compared to some of the classics.

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