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Thread: My first razor

  1. #1
    Junior Member ronthefireman's Avatar
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    Default My first razor

    This is my first blade, my mother gave it to me many years ago. She had wound up with it from an estate sale she attended. She knew my affinity/intrest in all things old, she thought I'd like it and boy was she right (it's true...moms know all!!). Now, thanks to SRP and you guys I find myself rummaging through antique shops looking for razors, hones, strops, etc.

    Now, I know what it is, can anyone tell me anything else about this blade, mainly when it was made.

    Thanks, Ronnie

    Oops, I thought the pic was better, Its a Clauss
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Clauss is a good brand razor and when honed properly will give good shaves. There is lots of info here on SPR regarding Clauss razors. Start browsing through the WIKI (on the menu bar above) in the razor database. A search of SRP's site will also return lots of threads. I'm sure the mfg date of Clauss came up several times.
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

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