I've been using a straight for about 7 months now, and I have 3 razors.

My first razor seems to be a bailey 4/8, full hollow blade Square tip (muted) blade.

My second razor is a Dovo 5/8 Full Hollow Round Tip Blade

My 3rd Razor is a Claus 5/8 full hollow blade....The tip on it is curved up so I am thinking it had been chipped and had the chip honed out forming the curved up tip.

With those razors...I like the Claus the best. It has to be my favorite blade because the steel seems to be the best quality and holds the edge the best. Don't get me wrong, I shave with my other two razors also, but the Claus seems to be my favorite......I just don't like the tip.

However; after shaving with these blades and reading about different types of blades and such....I've come up with what I think my favorite blade would be if I could ever get my hands on one.

1) First and foremost; it has to be a good quality blade, one that will take a great edge and be able to maintain the edge. Without this criteria, all other things are null and void in a razor.

2) I like the 5/8 size blade. My 4/8 blade works, but just seems kind of small really. At seeing some of the 6/8 blades, they seem kind of large, and i know a 5/8 fits quite nicely for me.

3) All my blades are full hollows, but I just seem to have a strong desire for a 1/2 hollow blade. I just feel like the little bit of extra weight of the blade would serve very nicely for me. Without actually shaving with a 1/2 hollow, I can't say for sure if it would be a "perfect" for me, but I think that is where I would go for now.

4) After shaving with the square tip of my Bailey 4/8, and the round point of the Dovo blade, I think I really like the square tipped blade (muted), but I wouldn't mind a "slightly" rounded tip (ie. more of a " ( " type of tip than a " C " tip edge <if that makes sense>). I like the looks of a round tip, but the square tip seems to do the best for me in a couple areas on my neck, so something with a slight round tip might serve OK, but the square muted tip I know works well.

5) Last, and Very much the "least" important thing that I would like is a "shoulderless" blade. I can't really say for sure why I would like a shoulderless blade, but it is just something that I like.

With that said; I'm kind of curious as to all of you to which blades that are your "go to razors", what is it about the blade that you like so much and why do you prefer it over your other blades.