Let's make some porn

As the title indicates I want to see the razors you dream of!

If you're better half didn't care, and you had Scrooge McDuck's money bin, and could buy which razors you'd want, which would it be?

Show or tell us!

If you already own one or several of your dream razors.....

To use Rodney Carrington's words of wisdom: SHOW THEM TO ME!

It would be rude of me to ask you to show me your's without showing you mine, so I'll start:

One of my dream razors I already got, a Wacker Antik 15/16

The second is going to be a secret until it's finished

Other than that I dream of one day getting a Mastro Livi custom, about any vintage Filarmonica #14, a Buddel and maybe a Alex Jaques.

Your turn!