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Thread: Noob Two Razor Dilemma

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sixgunner View Post
    ... can I get by efficiently with just one? Would appreciate any thoughts and/or suggestions!!
    The short answer is yes, you can get by with just one straight razor. You will need to maintaining the razor's edge yourself or do without it for a while as someone else sharpens it for you. Regardless of the brand razor, if there isn't a quality edge on the razor it will not shave as well as it can.

    As noted above, a Barber's hone will get you back to a good edge with a minimal cost and would be my first recommendation. If your (or anyone else reading this post) budget is an issue there are alternatives. Chrome Oxide or diamond spray/paste applied to a leather strop, cloth strop, balsa wood, hard felt, denim material or even a newspaper will refresh your edge to shave quality.

    I really can't say first hand because I have so many razors I usually just get to use one once a year, the edge on your straight razor will possible last up to 3 months if cared for properly. A few laps on the Barber's hone or pasted strop and you may be good for a few more months. After a while the razor will need to see a real hone but that may be one or several years if well cared for and maintained properly.

    Good luck with you straight razor adventure! I sure am enjoying mine.
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  2. #12
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    Thanks folks, looks like another razor is in my future, then. And yes, I believe I have been infected with RAD!!! Appreciate everyone's help!!!!!!

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I'm warning you now, the damn things, straight razors, are like potato chips, nobody can have just one.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sixgunner View Post
    Ok, I'm confused. Being a DE shaver for most of my adult life (age 65 yrs) I picked up a used DOVO str8 from a forum member to see the challenge and fun of shaving with a str8 razor. Ok, so far into about a week of shaving with no major arteries cut, no pieces of facial anatomy lost and fun to use, so I'm gonna keep using a str8. Now I know many of you gents have multiple razors that you use, but the undercurrent seems to be to do this properly one needs at least 2 razors, preferable the same make/model, to use on alternate days to really get efficient shaves. Am I correct in this assumption or can one do well with a singe maintained razor?? Being a retro guy ( I love wet shaving, fountain pens and S&W revolvers) I surely don't mind owning more than one str8, but can I get by efficiently with just one? Would appreciate any thoughts and/or suggestions!!
    Use the same rule that you would when working on cars.
    i.e. if you work on a car you need a second so you can go
    for parts or get to work if the job takes longer than expected.

    Since you are a DE shaver you have a backup as long
    as you have DE blades.

    Watch the classified... you may see one show up
    Main Index - Straight Razor Place Classifieds
    that is in good shape and shave ready so you
    have a second. Some are expensive others are
    well used inexpensive and have another 100 years of life in

    The two razor rule for alternating days makes
    sense for barbers and razor salesmen.

  5. #15
    Fear the fuzzy! Fear it! Snake's Avatar
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    Well... I figured I'd have mine restored, maybe pick up a second one on the bay - which I did. Sent them to be put in trim by Glen. And life was good. I had all the razors I'd ever need.

    Then I found this other one on the bay that was ridiculously inexpensive (how can the guys pass that up? must be all asleep!), and the one at the garage sale that I'm sure I'll restore one day. Then the wedge; I mean, everyone has to have a wedge! Sham happened next, offloading a really nice Dubl Duck... and everyone had to have one of those too, they are legendary. And the Mastro Livi the wife - bless her little heart - bought me because it was Tuesday...

    I could go on and describe each one of my purchases and the rationale behind them, but I'd have to bore you for better than half hour, maybe more.

    The short of it is that you can get away with ONE razor; two is luxury and nothing less. As it turns out, excess rules us men who like razors, and I dare say nobody here has less than a half a dozen.

    As for myself, I have five on my rotation, and three piles of assorted razors; the ones I'll restore, the ones I'll hone, and the ones I'm sending to Glen any day now...
    niftyshaving, pcg and rolodave like this.

  6. #16
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    I have to agree with Alan, it does not matter what kind, size or grind the second razor is, as a matter of fact I suggest a little variety.
    I haven't been straight shaving for long but I have 6 sr and another two on the way.

    I just can't help it, I think I need counselling.

    I choose what I get by how pretty they are, I always try to get something I don't have, usually different scales actually. I already have black scales and white scales, I have ebony wood scales so I need tortoise and pearl and other pretty stuff.

    Don't think I would want any identical razors.

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    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  7. #17
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    Razors, where DE, SE, Cartridge or Straight, or even electric shavers/trimmers, are all tools to get a job done. I have all of them and use them all at one time or another. I use an electric trimmer to trim sideburns, eyebrows and my mustache. I use a cartridge razor in the shower to shave the back of my neck. I use straights, DEs and one SE to shave my face.

    I agree with you that using and maintaining straight razors is fun. I get my best shaves using straight razors, but I also have difficulty getting a close shave on my chin and jawline using only a straight, so if I shave with a straight razor, I often do a clean-up pass using a DE on the parts of my face that are difficult to shave with a straight.

    If you are like most of the SRP forum members, you will probably end up with a few or a few dozen straight razors in your collection, but as long as you have some other razor to fall back on should your straight razor be in need of resharpening, a single razor will suffice.

    Sometimes I have started my shave with a straight razor only to find that the edge it is not quite up to my standards. My beard is pretty tough, so I have to refresh the edge frequently. Should that happen, I can grab the finishing hone I keep handy and refresh the edge before resuming my shave. If I am in too big a hurry to do that, I simply lay the straight aside and grab a DE razor to complete my shave.
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  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    when i started, i wanted to learn to hone too so i had to buy enough razors so that the money i saved not sending them out would pay for the expense of buying the stones!
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  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Oh I have fallen down so many rabbit holes. I wanted to try everything. I have many strops, hones, brushes and yes straight razors. Truly two is sufficient, one if you have a great barber hone and lived a minimalist life style. I’m no Spartan.
    outback, Gasman and STF like this.
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  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Ok mister Collector Pants… Just try and only buy just one razor…

    You are talking to a World Wide Group of enablers, itching to spread the virus.

    Love the old 5 screw Smith & Wesson’s, own several and carried a 6-inch bull barreled, tack driver with a glass action for years.

    Yea you can live with just one, but why?
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