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Thread: Sheffield Frameback

  1. #1
    Junior Member gdgross's Avatar
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    Default Sheffield Frameback

    Someone suggested I post a pic if this razor over here as it's apparently a bit rare. This is one of my two razors and I'm brand new to the shaving with a straight razor thing.

    To me, it does look like two pieces of steel clamped together, rather than being ground from a single piece, as I gather is the usual method.

    I'm not too familiar with this guy or his origins, but hopefully some of you will find it interesting!

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  2. #2
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    I can't speak to it's rarity, I haven't seen a frameback from wosty before but they are exactly shave you describe. A blade with another piece of steel wrapped around to make a spine, some hade interchangable blades. The Swedish were vary found of the frameback style more so then sheffield, France, or Germany but I think at one point or another most companies probably tried them. Welcome aboard!

  3. #3
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    That's a George Wostenholm. I see framebacks by this marker every once in a while. Geo Wostenholm is a highly regarded maker from Sheffield, along with others such a Wade and Butcher, Joseph Rodgers and George Butler among others. Framebacks were originally made for two reasons, one being that it was easier than hollow grinding, or not beyond advances available at the time to hollow grind, so that they would be easier to hone, wedges requiring all the metal to come into contact with the hone.

    The other reason is that it saved expenditure on expensive metal. The frame could be manufactured using a cheaper metal, so only the blade needed to be made from the superior.

    Nice blade. Clean it up, get it honed and enjoy.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    Hi Geoff and welcome to SRP.
    I'm glad that you spell your name correctly (same as mine...hehehe)
    I have one George Wostenholm ATM (it's on the bench awaiting a clean up) and will be looking for more as time goes by - the frameback being high on my list.
    Glad to have you aboard and I hope you enjoy the ride.
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  5. #5
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Frame backs are not the most commom design but there are many out there, they make fantastic shavers. Get her cleaned and honed and you will enjoy that one for many years to come. Welcome to our world at SRP!
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

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